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Intelligent Nutrients

Intelligent Nutrients

The Organic Harmonic Science of Health and Beauty

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps

Dr. Bronner's
Magic Soaps

Best Selling Organic Soap in the US

Botani Organic

Botani Organic

Organic, Naturally Occurring Vitamins & Supplements

Aloha Bay

Aloha Bay

Organic Palm Wax Candles and Himalayan Salts

Working Assets

Working Assets

Making it easy to make a difference

Eden Organics

Eden Foods

Nurturing more than 350 North American organic family farms

Frey Vineyards

Frey Vineyards

America's Oldest Organic Winery

Organic Valley

Organic Valley

Co-op of Family Farmers Providing Organic Dairy


Subscribe by clicking here or manage your current profile here!

Join the Campaign Against Monsanto

Demand that Monsanto Corporation:
  • Millions Against MonsantoStop intimidating small family farmers.
  • Stop force-feeding untested and unlabeled genetically engineered foods on consumers.
  • Stop using billions of dollars of U.S. taypayers' money to subsidize genetically engineered crops--cotton, soybeans, corn, and canola.
  • Click Here to take action!

Organic Consumers Association Food Agenda 2010Sign the Food Agenda 2015 Petition

  • 1) Global Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Foods & Crops
  • 2) Stop Factory Farming and Phase-Out Industrial Agriculture
  • 3) Convert US Agriculture to at least 30% Organic by 2015
Mad Cow CampaignClick Here to Join thousands of citizens and sign the Mad Cow USA-Stop the Madness petition
Demand that the US Government adopt and enforce the same strict standards required by the European Union and Japan:
  • Mandatory testing for all cattle brought to slaughter, before they enter the food chain.
  • Ban the feeding of blood, manure, and slaughterhouse waste to animals.

Organic Integrity CampaignStand Up for Organic Integrity

Click here to take part in OCA's Coming Clean Campaign to pressure the Organic Trade Association and USDA's National Organic Program not to codify or implement extremely weak standards for organic cosmetics!

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