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The Organic Revolution Needs Interns & Volunteers!

  • Self-motivated with strong research and writing skills.
  • Computer knowledge is required.
  • Ability to work with people in a team.
Email the OCA
for more information

Help Build the Organic Movement
and Earn College Credit

OCA InternInternships Available for
Fall Semester and Beyond

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is a 850,000 strong nationwide network of health, environmental, and justice-minded activists. OCA’s cutting edge website attracts over 30,000 visitors a day.

Known for our coverage of national and international news relating to food, farming, fair trade, and politics, OCA is now moving toward more coverage and mobilization on local and state issues as well. We recently have begun revamping our website to make our state webpages a hub so in each state there is a page for people to get information about events, campaigns news, and likeminded groups in their state.

OCA needs locally based online interns to help make our 50 state pages a dynamic inter-active platform for daily news, events, campaigns, as well as providing online links to activist websites, blogs, and green businesses. Interns will locate and post news stories, campaigns, and events, and reach out to like-minded organizations and green businesses.

Although these are unpaid internships, OCA is willing to work with students to arrange college credit for your work. Interns will develop research, editing, networking, web, and database skills.

Why Intern with the OCA?

Experience in the nonprofit world: gain knowledge in the everyday workings of a non-governmental organization (NGO) and learn first hand about grassroots organizing, advocacy, research, coalition- building, and organizational development.

Receive college credit for your internship.

Flexible schedule: While we ask interns for a specific time commitment, we can be flexible to meet individual scheduling needs.

Please email the OCA for more information
OCA OutreachSpread the Word about OCA Internships

Have a Friend Who Might Also Like to Intern? Think there are people on your campus who would be interested in an OCA internship? Want to help OCA, but don't have time to commit to an internship? Please download and print this flyer (PDF), give it to your friends,
and post it around your campus.