Submission of Papers

Participants wishing to make a presentation on the results of their recent research are cordially invited to submit papers according to the following instructions. Accepted papers will be presented in either oral or poster sessions.
Items to be submitted and instructions are as follows:                     

1. Final Manuscript Uploading Process

:  Online Final Manuscript Submission date extended till 22nd Dec. 2008
Final Paper submissions are due by 22nd December 2008
Submission: Only on-line submission. No fax and e-mail submission will be accepted.
Format: All authors should prepare one PDF file written in English and should be made using the template [Download Template]. Please follow the below naming conversion for your PDF file. For Full Manuscript abstract [paperid_yourname.pdf]. Replace your orginal name, where it says yourname.

Areas and Sub Areas :

1. Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Technologies:
1.1 Silicon Feedstock, and Crystal Growth
1.2 Cell Design and Modeling
1.3 Cell Fabrication
1.4 Diagnostic techniques
1.5 Others

2. PV Modules and System Components Including Testing and Reliability:
2.1 Crystalline Si Modules
2.2 Thin Film Modules
2.3 BOS components
2.4 Characterization and Reliability
2.5 Others

3. CIGS-II-VI and Related Thin Film Cells:
3.1 Materials and Thin Film Process
3.2 Cell Fabrication and Modeling
3.3 Large – area modules and processing
3.4 Others

4. Amorphous and Nano/Microcrystalline Silicon Based Solar Cells and Related Materials:
4.1 Fundamental Science and Innovative Concepts
4.2 Material Preparation and Characterization
4.3 Solar Cells and Related Science and Technologies
4.4 Others

5. III-V Materials and Devices for Concentrator and Space PV Systems:
5.1 III-V Materials and Devices
5.2 Concentrator Cells, Modules and Systems
5.3 Space PV Devices and materials
5.4 Environmental Testing and Space Systems

6. Photovoltaics with nanocomposites and other new concepts:
6.1 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Materials
6.2 Organic Thin- Film Solar Cells and Materials
6.3 Next Generation Inorganic Solar Cells and Materials
6.4 Cross-cutting Science and Hybrid Technologies

7. PV Programs, Policies, Economics and Environmental Issues:
7.1 PV Programs, Policies and Incentives
7.2 PV Industries and Market
7.3 Environmental Issues & Life Cycle Assessment

8. PV Architecture and PV systems:
8.1 Stand Alone Systems
8.2 Building Integrated PV Systems
8.3 Hybrid and Grid Connected PV Systems
8.4 PV System Codes and Standards

The Review abstract will be used for review purpose only and the Short abstract, if accepted, will be printed on the Abstract book of the conference and distributed to the conference participants. Please note that after the acceptance of abstract, either the presentation title or authors’ name cannot be changed.

Results of review will be notified via e-mail by the end of October 2008.


Know About Venue...
Submission of Papers

Online Registration is closed, kindly register via offline or at the venue. 

Early Bird Registration extended till 7th Jan. 2009