National Transportation Biomechanicss Research Center NHTSA/NRD web site NHTSA/NRD web site
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Biomechanics Database
NHTSA Biomechanics Test Database Information
Hours of Operation
Access to the Biomechanics Test Database is limited to the hours listed below. Outside of these hours the database is unavailable in order to support regular maintenance. Occasionally, the database may be unavailable briefly during the listed hours due to unexpected maintenance or application updates.

NOTE: All times are with respect to Washington, DC, USA (US Eastern, Daylight Savings Time is observed).

Monday - Friday: 06:00 - 21:00 (6 AM - 9 PM)
Sunday: 06:00 - 24:00 (6 AM - Midnight)
Offline Access

Copies of the contractor test reports and high speed films associated with released tests may be obtained, for a fee, from George Washington University's National Crash Analysis Center at (703) 726-8236.

Schema Information

Contractor data received in EV5 Biomechanics test specifications is stored in ten tables of the Biomechanics Database. These tables and relationships between them are listed in the Schema Information.