Visa Support Letter

Visa Information

All non-Indian-citizens are required to have an Indian visa to enter the country. Allow yourself sufficient time to procure an appropriate visa from your nearest Indian mission. There are a large number of Indian missions abroad ( Indian consulates in the continental US ( are located in Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Houston, and San Francisco. Please visit this site for more information including an online copy of the application form for Indian visa. You may obtain visa from concerned Indian mission abroad on production of an invitation letter.

Invitation letters will be issued to following categories of participants of PVSEC 18 

  1. Plenary/Invited Speakers
  2. Members of International Advisory Committee and other Committees
  3. Presenters of papers at the Conference
  4. Nominees of Exhibitors
  5. All other participants. Interested in PVSEC18.

For issuing Invitation Letter the Registration Form must be filled. The Registration Fee may be paid now (preferably).

· Please send the following information in order to send the Letter of Invitation: registration number, title, full name, nationality, date and place of birth, present address, city, zip/postal code, country, fax number and address, passport information (passport number, date, place of issue, and validity), occupation, purpose of visit, and expected duration of stay
· Letters cannot be e-mailed or sent to the Embassy or U.S. Consulate. ASCE cannot intervene on behalf of the invitees with the Embassy or U.S. Consulate via fax, phone, surface mail, or e-mail.
· Participants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are requested to provide us with the following particulars well in advance for a smooth visa delivery process:
2.Father’s/Husband’s Name
3.Date of Birth
4.Place of Birth
5.Nationality & Passport number
a.Date of issue
b.Place of issue
c.Date of expiry

Kindly send the above information to

International flights to India

Most international airlines have direct flights to India from Europe and Asia. From the US, most international airlines fly to India with a single stop-over, either in Europe or in the Far East. Kolkata is directly served by many international airlines such as British Airways, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways, Emirates, Air India, and Jet Airways. One can also take an international flight to Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/Bangalore and then fly to Kolkata on a domestic flight. Kolkata is very well connected to all major cities in India through daily flights by Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Kingfisher Airlines, Spicejet Airlines, Air Deccan, Indigo Airlines etc. The detailed schedule and fare may be checked in the website of the corresponding airlines. Kolkata is also connected to most cities in India through an extensive train network. For detailed schedule, fare, and availability information, please visit . You may book your railway ticket from .

Know About Venue...
Submission of Papers

Final manuscript will be
accepted till 8 Dec, 2008.

Early Bird Registration extended till 25th Dec. 2008