
Rates for exhibitors at the venue of the PVSEC-18 conference:-

Rates for open non-modular space of size 3Mx3M (unit) should be INR 75,000.
Rates for covered modular space of size 3Mx3M (unit) should be INR 1 lakh.
Multiple units may be purchased.

The exhibition brochure and booking form are now available.
Click here to download the PVSEC18 Exhibition brochure.

Please note the official Clearing Forwarding Agent Address:

Schenker India Pvt. Ltd. (Kolkata)
AG Tower, 7th Floor
125/1 Park Street
Kolkata – 700 017
Tel: +91 33 4002 1900
Fax:+91 33 4002 1920 / 1930
Contact: Rajasree Sengupta - +91 9830285903
Sameer Chavan (Schenker India, Mumbai) +91 9833748077

List of Exhibitors

Synergy -Diamond Sponsor India
Suntech -Platinum Sponsor India
Titan-Gold Sponsor India
HHV- Gold Sponsor India
Astonfield Renewable Resources Pvt.ltd-Gold Sponsor India
Moser Baer Photovoltaics-Gold Sponsor India
Bhaskar Polysilicon/Centrotherm Silver Sponsor India
Webel-SL-Kolkata-Silver Sponsor India
IACS India
Osram India
Nichia Chemical India Pvt Ltd. India
HHV Solar Technologies India
Photon International (Barter)-Media Partner Germany
Bergen Associates Pvt.Ltd India
Pulse Power India
Optimal Power India
Semilab Hungary
Gautam Polymers India
NPC Incorporated Japan
Evans Analytical Group USA
JR Fibreglass Pvt.Ltd India
Gsolar Power Co., Ltd-BCO China
Reliance Industries Ltd India
M/s. United Technologies Inc., India
APP Systems(India)Pvt.Ltd India/Singapore
El Camino Technologies Pvt. Ltd India/Netherlands
ASYS Group Asia Pte Ltd Singapore
Isovolta AG Austria
Bootsolar photovoltaic Equipments China
Ningbo GZX PV Technology China
Zhejiang Global Solar Energy Co.Ltd China
International Marketing Corporation India
ALD Vacuum Technologies  India/Germany
Bizlink Interconnect Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd India
QC Solar Corporation-BCO China
Energetica India (Barter)-Media Partner India
Exide India
Solar Semiconductor Pvt.ltd India
Jupiter Solar India
Spire Corporation USA
WAAREE Energies Private Limited India
INDOSOLAR Limited India
Andromeda Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd. India
TATA BP Solar India
Pasan SA Switzerland
Mitshui India
PV Xchange-Table space Germany

Interested companies may contact
Shri S. P. Gon Choudhuri,
Chairman, Exhibition committee, International PVSEC-18
Managing Director,West Bengal Green Energy Develpoment Corporation Ltd.
e-mail: wbreda@cal.vsnl.net.in

Or Exhibition Manager
Mr. Soumadev Sarkar
Email : soumadev@cimindia.net
Telephone :+91 9748999995 (GSM Landline)
Cell Phone :+91 9830616454 Tele / Fax :+91 33-23370727

Terms & Conditions


In these Terms and Conditions:

The word 'EXHIBITOR' means the person, company, firm or other organisation to whom space at the Exhibition has been allocated by the Organisers and, in relation to any term or condition, shall include employees, contractors, sub-contractors, servants, agents, licensees or invitee of the Exhibitor. The word 'EXHIBITION' means 'EXHIBITION of the 18th PVSEC Conference & Exhibition. The word 'ORGANISERS' means PVSEC Organising Committee’

1.Allocation of Booth Space

Application for booth space must be made on the Booth Application Form provided by the Organisers. Applications will be dealt with in strict order of receipt save that in the event of a conflict regarding space or other imperative conditions (including without limit a need for the utilities’ services), the Organisers shall have the right to allocate space to the Exhibitor, re-arrange the floor plan, and/or relocate any booth at any time before or during the period of the Exhibition. The Organisers shall reserve the right to refuse any application. The Booth Application Form must list all firms being represented by the Exhibitor. The Organisers undertake to give the fullest sympathetic consideration to the interests of the Exhibitor provided that any question arises which is not provided for within the terms of these Terms and Conditions. The Organisers' decision must be accepted as final.

Upon the issue by the Organisers of their Confirmation of Booth Application (which allocates the booth space to the Exhibitor) a contract shall be made for the booth space so allocated between the Organisers and the Exhibitor whose entire terms shall be contained in these Terms and Conditions, the Booth Application Form, the Confirmation of Booth Application as issued by the Organisers (which the Organisers may amend from time to time).

2.Charges For Booth Space 

The charge for booth space is calculated on the basis of a minimum of 9 square metres. The price per square metre as indicated is exclusive of service tax which is at present 12.36% as shown on the Booth Application Form and in the Exhibition Infondirmation. Additional requirements may be obtained on request to the Organisers and will incur additional charges. It is essential that the Organisers be advised of these requirements as early as possible and not later than 31st December, 2008.

3.Payment For Booth Space

The Exhibitor shall pay the total cost of the booth(s) allocated within 31st December 2008 . If the invoice is not paid by this date the Organisers may re-allocate the booth space to another Company without any liability to the Exhibitor.

Payments must be made by bank transfer in Rupees. All the Organisers’ charges are exclusive of any applicable Value Added Tax, for which the Exhibitor shall be additionally liable.

The Organisers shall have the right to refuse to permit the Exhibitor to occupy or use the booth until all sums due to the Organisers from the Exhibitor have been paid.

4.Cancellation or reduction of space

Notice of cancellation of allocated booth space must be given to the PVSEC18 Exhibition Committee in writing at the address on the Booth Application Form. A cancellation charge of 20% of the total charge for the booth will be made and a refund of any charges already paid in excess of this amount will be made to the Exhibitor.  (Same)

The Exhibitor will be liable to pay the full charge for the booth space if notice of cancellation is received after 31st December 2008.

5. Alteration to Booth Space

The Organisers shall be entitled to alter the layout if, in their opinion, this is in the general interest of the Exhibition.

6. Rental of a booth and its use

Rental includes the following equipment: 3 side panels, plus a fascia featuring the Exhibitor’s company name and the following standard furniture: 1 table, 2 chairs, 3 spotlights,1 electric socket, booth carpet, 1 Waste Bin. The organiser commits to rent the booth and the furniture for the period and at the conditions stipulated in these “Terms and Conditions”.

The fixing of display material to the booth will be permitted only by methods laid down by the Organiser. No nails, screws or other fixtures may be driven into any part of the Exhibition building, including floors, nor any part of the exhibition building be damaged or disfigured in any way. Should any damage occur, the Exhibitor responsible shall be liable for reparation charges incurred.

7. Occupation of a booth

The Exhibitor, his servants, agents and employees may enter the exhibition area for the purpose of erecting and preparing its exhibit during the set-up day as follows:

 Saturday 17th January 2009 from 09.00 to 18.00 hrs.

All booths must be complete and ready for the Exhibition opening by 10.30 hrs on Monday 19th January 2009. In case of an Exhibitor failing to take possession of his allocated booth, the charges for such allocated booth will nevertheless remain due to the Organizer. The Organizer shall have the right to refuse the Exhibitor to occupy or use the booth until all sums due to the Organiser by the Exhibitor have been paid.

 The Exhibition will open on Monday 19th January 2009 from 10.30 to 19.00 hrs, Tuesday 20th January 2009 from 08.30 to 18.00 hrs, Wednesday 21st January 2009 from 11.00 to 19.00 hrs, Thursday 22nd January 2009 from 11.00 to 19.00 hrs and Friday 23rd January 2009 from 08.30 to 14.00 hrs. Booths must be open for viewing and staffed during these hours.

 The Exhibitors shall remove by 16.00 hrs on Friday 23rd January 2009 from the exhibition area all exhibits, displays, booth fittings, materials and other things brought to the exhibition area by the Exhibitor. Removal of exhibits and dismantling of booths may not commence until the official closing time of 14.00 hrs on 23rd January 2009.After the installation of a display, all empty shipping crates and/or other containers must be labelled, removed and stored outside of the exhibition area.

Gangways must be kept clear and free for passage and must not be littered or obstructed.

All movement of and fixture to the booth panels hired by the Organiser must be carried out by the contractors appointed by the Organiser.

All electrical installations and connections must be carried out by the contractors appointed by the Organiser.

Exhibitors shall, after the closure of the Exhibition, return the booths and their respective furniture in the same condition as they received them, except for normal wear and tear. In case of damages the Organiser reserves the right to proceed to all necessary repairs and bill the occupant of the damaged booth.

8. Freight and Transport- shipment of exhibits

The arrangement and payment for transporting goods to and from its exhibition booth, custom clearance, receiving, decorating, storing and removing its exhibits are entirely the responsibility of the Exhibitor. In case of failure to do so, the Exhibitor agrees to pay for such additional costs as may be incurred.

Freight forwarding transportation and handling will be available through the official agent. Exhibits must be addressed to the appropriate booth of the exhibiting company at the Exhibition Hall. Exhibits must not be delivered to the venue before the time and date specified in the T&C above. Full details of the requirements for customs clearance and bonding formalities are available from the official agent.

9. Storage

There is no provision for storing material at the exhibition venue prior to the Exhibition. Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to make the necessary arrangements with their forwarding agent or with a storage handling company.

10. Contractor services

Where an official contractor has been designated to perform services, including but not limited to shipping, storage and delivery, furniture rental, cleaning and audio-visual services, no Exhibitor or representative shall contract for such services with other party than the said official contractor. The Organiser assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by the contractors.

11. Third party’s rights

The Exhibitor warrants that the exhibits do not in any way whatsoever violate or infringe any third party’s rights including trade mark, copyrights, designs, names and patents whether registered or otherwise, and agree to fully indemnify the Organiser and its agents and contractors against all costs, expenses and damages arising from any third party’s claim infringement by the Exhibitor and/or the Organiser of such third party’s rights.

12. Fire regulations

All materials used for building, decorating or covering booths or displays must be of non-flammable material. The Exhibitor must comply with all instructions given by the relevant authorities to avoid the risk of fire or any other risk.

13. Insurance

Exhibitor shall carry out its own insurance; the Organiser assumes no responsibility for the safety of the properties of the Exhibitors, its officers, agents, employees or visitors from thefts, damages by fire, accident or any other cause whatsoever. The Exhibitor shall adequately insure all exhibits or any other property brought to the premise of the Exhibition in the joint names of himself and the Organiser on a full “all risks” basis for a sum insured equivalent to the full value of all their exhibits and any other property brought to the Exhibition. The Exhibitor shall provide the Organisers with satisfactory evidence that adequate insurance is in force.

14. Bankruptcy or liquidation

In the event of an Exhibitor becoming bankrupt or entering into liquidation other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation, or having a Receiver appointed, the Organiser shall be at liberty to terminate forthwith the contract with such an Exhibitor, and all sums paid by the Exhibitor under the contract shall be forfeited.

15. Savings clause

All matters not addressed in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the sole discretion of the Organiser.

16. Liability

Information given by the Organiser about the Exhibition is accurate to the best of its knowledge but does not constitute any warranty or representation by the Organiser and therefore any mistake or omission will not entitle the Exhibitor to cancel his booth booking.

The Organiser or its employees or agents shall have no liability for any damage, loss or injury to the property or body or life of the Exhibitor or its dependants unless said damages, losses or injuries are intentionally and directly caused by the Organiser or its employees.

17. Compliance with regulations

The Exhibitor shall abide by the rules and regulation of the exhibition venue which are deemed to be integral parts of and incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. In the event of conflict between the provisions of such rules and regulations and these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

18. Additional rules and regulations

These Terms and Conditions contain the entire agreement between the Organiser and the Exhibitor and may not be changed orally, but only in writing signed by a duly authorised representative of the Organiser. An Exhibitor’s terms and conditions of purchase or other terms and conditions shall not apply to this order.

19. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

If any provision of this agreement is determined to be invalid or contrary to any existing or future law, statute or ordinance of India, such invalidity shall not impair the operation of or affect any other provisions hereof which are valid, and the invalid provisions shall be construed in such manner as shall be as similar in terms to such invalid provisions as may be possible, consistent with applicable law. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law and the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Indian courts.


Know About Venue...
Submission of Papers

Online Registration is closed, kindly register via offline or at the venue. 

Early Bird Registration extended till 7th Jan. 2009