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13-Nov-2002 Mars Rover Takes Baby Steps
Fostering the Next Generation of Mars Explorers
Like any travelers worth their frequent flyer miles, the twin rovers of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission must prepare for a long journey. Unlike airline passengers, however, the rovers won't have an attentive flight crew to tend to their needs. Instead, the twins face a daunting 460 million kilometer (286 million mile) voyage to Mars. Read More...
18-Oct-2002 Fostering the Next Generation of Mars Explorers
Fostering the Next Generation of Mars Explorers
The Mars Student Imaging Project allows students from the fifth grade through community college to take their own pictures of Mars using a thermal infrared visible camera system onboard NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft, which is currently circling the red planet. Read More...
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08-Aug-2002 JPL's Bionic Woman, Dr. Ayanna Howard
JPL's Bionic Woman, Dr. Ayanna Howard
Howard is JPL's own bionic woman who, at the moment, is helping develop an advanced Entry, Descent and Landing software application that can look at virtual terrain on Mars. Read More...

29-Jul-2002 Building Blocks and Designing Students
Student checks programs
Just as a toddler uses a set of blocks to build a structure, engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., design conceptual space missions using a set of "blocks," each representing a different segment of requirements, to make sure that all aspects of a mission mesh with the final design. Read More...

01-Jul-2002 Pathfinder's 5th Anniversary Reveals Big Future for Mars Exploration
Sojourner rover
On Friday, July 4, 1997, American flags dressed the nation in a giant Independence Day celebration. It was National Hot Dog Month, and an estimated 155 million hot dogs hit the grill that weekend alone. Space must have been on moviegoers minds, as the alien flick "Men in Black" took in a whopping $84 million during its holiday opening. Read More...

03-May-2002 Mars Global Surveyor Aging Gracefully
Surveyor Project and Mission Managers Tom Thorpe and Gene Brower reflect on the spacecraft's very successful mission
As an automobile ages, it usually requires more trips to a mechanic. Spacecraft are designed for a primary mission; when all is going well, the mission is often extended to obtain more data for other research objectives. But spacecraft are also subject to the ravages of time and wear. Read More...

29-Apr-2002 Sending RATs to Mars
RAT video
NASA and JPL are sending RATS to Mars to work as field geologists. A RAT is not quite a furry little friend, but rather a high-tech robot with diamond teeth, called a Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT). Read More...

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26-Apr-2002 Global Surveyor Continues Its Watch on the Red Planet
Artist's concept of the Mars Global Surveyor in a downward-pointing nadir position
Weather reports from Mars, global mapping, inspection of potential landing sites, more data about the red planet than from all previous missions - no problem for the hardworking Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. Read More...

05-Apr-2002 Mars Odyssey Observes First Anniversary in Space
Mars Odyssey Observes First Anniversary in Space
What a year this has been for the Mars Odyssey team!

The excitement of launch last April 7, the arrival at Mars, the long, sometimes tedious aerobraking concluded so successfully, the beginning of the mapping phase .... Read More...

25-Mar-2002 How to Land Softly on a Hard Planet
How to Land Softly on a Hard Planet
Just one of the many problems in landing on another planet, after it's been determined where to land and the method to get there, is landing safely. For NASA'a Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a safe landing is "the name of the game," as engineers work to prepare two rovers for the journey to Mars. Read More...

15-Mar-2002 Odyssey Lead Navigator and Entire Team Honored for Flawless Performance
Bob Mase
Caught unawares, Odyssey lead navigator Bob Mase mumbled "what?" when Ed Weiler, associate administrator for NASA's Office of Space Science announced that Mase and the Odyssey navigation team had won one of Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine's annual Laurel awards. Read More...

11-Mar-2002 Long-time Mission Manager Dreams of Humans Exploring Mars Someday
Charley Kohlhase
After spending a career in planetary exploration, Charley Kohlhase dreams not of the past, but of the future. What does he envision someday? Humans living on Mars, continuing to study the planet in great detail. Of course, NASA has a lot of work to do before human missions are possible, but today's robotic missions are paving the way by helping us understand the Martian environment and its potential impact on human health. Once we learn more, Kohlhase believes, the spirit of exploration will make Mars an irresistible destination for future astronauts. Read More...

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06-Mar-2002 Student Navigators Drive Mars Rover Testbed
Mission planner Dr. Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu explains details for science and engineering planning during planning for a simulated mission by student navigators from the Red Rover Goes to Mars program.
Intense discussion, various viewpoints, chairs being scooted around, slightly raised voices, and eventual consensus: just a typical meeting of scientists in the lab; in this case a rover lab at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Read More...

16-Jan-2002 Steve Alfery - Dealing for Rover Wheeling on Mars
Steve Alfery
No banks, stock exchanges or other financial institutions are known to exist on Mars. So how does a business and economics graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara end up in a key role on a mission to the red planet? Read More...

Team Member
Steve Alfery acquisitions representative 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
11-Jan-2002 Happy Navigators Prepare to Say "Goodnight and Goodbye" to Odyssey's Successful Aerobraking
Happy Navigators Prepare to Say 'Goodnight and Goodbye' to Odyssey's Successful Aerobraking
With the successful completion of the aerobraking effort, the Odyssey navigation team is leaving a legacy of well-honed interdisciplinary tools and techniques certain to be used on future missions using aerobraking. Read More...
Team Member
Peter Antreasian navigator 2001 Mars Odyssey
Darren Baird navigator 2001 Mars Odyssey
Brian Kennedy navigator 2001 Mars Odyssey
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