2003 NRI Wetlands Tables

Change in Palustrine and Estuarine Wetlands on Non-Federal Land and Water Area,
Gross Losses and Gains and Net Change, 1992 - 2003,
in Acres per Year (percent margin of error in parentheses)
1992 - 1997 1997 - 2001 2001 - 2003
Gross Loss -99,000
(± 10%)
(± 23%)
(± 26%)
Gross Gain 71,000
(± 21%)
(± 21%)
(± 62%)
Net Change -28,000
(± 72%)
(± 82%)
(± 90%)
Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2003 Annual National Resources Inventory

Changes in Palustrine and Estuarine Wetlands on Non-Federal Land and Water Area,
Net Wetlands Change Due to Agriculture, 1997 - 2003
(percent margin of error in parentheses)
Time Period Total Net Change Average Annual Net Change
(Acres) (Acres per Year)
1997 - 2001 132,000
(± 47%)
(± 47%)
2001 - 2003 131,000
(± 94%)
(± 94%)
1997 - 2003 263,000
(± 54%)
(± 54%)
Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2003 Annual National Resources Inventory

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