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Welcome To The Garden Guide
Cheryl Moore-Gough - MSU Extension Horticulturist This site has been designed to answer your most frequently asked garden questions.  Priority for answering questions will be given to Montana residents.  You must state your Montana County before we can answer your question. Please direct your questions to Cheryl Moore-Gough, our Extension Horticulturist at:

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January 09 Garden guide Articles
What's the best way to store apples?
If you're luckier than most of us, you'll get a big crop of apples more...

What is the best way to store garlic and onions?
Onions and garlic need to be cured to keep the longest amount of time. Be more...

Is October the right time to plant garlic?

Yes, it's time to plant garlic. This terrific member of the Allium more...

Should I be fertilizing my lawn now?
Just as we must absorb nutrients from our food to maintain strong and more...

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For further information regarding the Montana Master Gardener program, contact your local MSU County Extension Office
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