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Organic Produce, Price Premiums, and Eco-Labeling in U.S. Farmers' Markets

By Amy Kremen, Catherine Greene, and Jim Hanson

Outlook Report No. (VGS-301-01) 12 pp, April 2004

The popularity of farmers' markets in the United States has grown concurrently with organic production and consumer interest in locally and organically produced foods. This research describes the significance of farmers' markets as market outlets for many organic farmers, and recent shifts in relationships between organic growers, market managers, and customers. Market managers in more than 20 States answered questions by phone pertaining to the 2002 market season. Their responses provide insight into recent grower, manager, and customer decisionmaking and attitudes about foods advertised and sold as organic at farmers' markets.

Keywords: U.S. farmers' markets, eco-labeling, organic produce, organic certification, price premiums, ERS, USDA

In this report ...

Chapters are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Updated date: April 2004

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