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Maine Home Energy
Weather-Stripping Windows and Doors

Bulletin #7215

This bulletin can help you determine whether any windows and doors in your home need weather stripping, as well as how to choose appropriate weather-stripping products.

Air leakage, or infiltration, is outside air that enters your home, or warm air that leaves your home, through cracks and openings in the walls, ceilings, and floor. Because air infiltration can account for as much as 30 percent of a home's heating costs, you can stop losing money by sealing these air leaks.

While most air leakage occurs through holes and cracks in ceilings and floors, a significant amount of air leaks through cracks around windows and doors. This is especially true in homes with older windows and doors.

Weather stripping is needed in the following situations:

  • An operable window moves and rattles when it is in a closed position.

  • A length of thread or bathroom tissue held near a window or door indicates air movement through a crack.

  • Indoor light can be seen through a crack from outside the house.

  • A piece of paper slides easily through a closed opening.

Weather stripping is used between movable parts in operable openings, such as windows and doors, to stop air leaks. For example, it can be placed along the edges of window sashes and doorjambs. Weather stripping consists of narrow strips of metal, plastic, or foam, held in place with nails, staples, or adhesives. Which type you choose depends on where it will be installed as well as on your preferences in terms of cost, ease of installation, durability, service life, and other factors.

Characteristics of the types of weather stripping commonly available at home centers and department stores are listed in the following chart. Most packages include installation instructions.

Type of weather stripping

Service life


a strip of self adhesive foam

Self-adhesive foam

1–2 years

Easy to install
Limited durability

a strip of felt


2 years

Easy to apply
Limited durability

rolled vinyl gasket

Rolled vinyl or tubular gasket

5 years +

Visible when applied
Must make contact for proper seal

a section of tension spring plastic V-shaped strip

Tension-spring plastic or metal V-shaped strips

Plastic: 5 years
Metal: 5–8 years             

Both metal and plastic types are easy to apply.
Good for uniform openings.
Flexible along its length for larger openings

door sweep

Door sweep (metal spine, vinyl edge)

5 years +                           

Easy to apply
Vinyl is flexible over adjacent flooring materials

metal door threshold

Metal door threshold with vinyl bulb

5 years +                           

Flexible vinyl adjusts to fit door opening

nylon brush

Nylon brush fin seal

5 years +

Used to replace worn weather stripping on aluminum windows and doors, and triple-track storm windows

Adapted with permission from Trudy Wythe and Joe Laquatra, “Weather Stripping Windows and Doors,” Housing Fact Sheets, revised by Mark Pierce (Ithaca: Cornell University, 1986, 2000).

© 2008

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Published and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, the Land Grant University of the state of Maine and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Cooperative Extension and other agencies of the U.S.D.A. provide equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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