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First Beam through ERL Injector


The ERL electron gun, enclosed in a round steel vessel, can be seen in the background. The five meter long cylindrical cryomodule keeps accelerating components at 1.8 degree K (-271 C). It has rectangular wave-guides attached to the side. The extensive amount of cabling visible in the photo is indicative of the data collection required to monitor the accelerator. Read More


Cornell's Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics studies nature's fundamental particles and the laws that govern them. These studies shed light on questions like: how did the universe evolve? What is the nature of space and time? What, really, is mass?

LEPP physicists also develop the technology behind accelerators, which are our central window onto nature at its tiniest and are a vital tool for other sciences that explore nature at the scale of atoms and molecules.

LEPP communicates widely about its research in order to deepen public understanding of the physical sciences, improve scientific literacy, and share the excitement of discovery.

LEPP, the Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics, has joined with CHESS to become the Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE). LEPP's primary source of support is the National Science Foundation.