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Early Warning Reporting - Getting Started

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Graphic of 8 steps to set up an account and submit EWR data
  1. APPLY: Before you can begin submitting EWR aggregate, death and injury data, and/or field reports to NHTSA/ODI, you must apply for an EWR account by downloading and filling out a NHTSA EWR Manufacturer Account Application (pdf). For more information, refer to the NHTSA EWR Manufacturer Account Application Instruction page.
  2. ACCOUNT INFORMATION: NHTSA will send you your EWR account information.
  3. CHANGE PASSWORD: When you receive your EWR account information, you must log into EWR Login page to change your temporary password.
  4. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES: Download the Microsoft® Excel template(s) or XML instance(s) that you are planning to use for your EWR aggregate, and/or death and injury data. For more information, refer to the FAQ. If you are an Equipment or Low Volume Vehicle manufacturer who is planning to submit no more than 250 records, you can use the Equipment Manufacturer/Low Volume Vehicle Manufacturer applications that are available on the ODI web site to submit your data.
  5. DOWNLOAD SFTP SOFTWARE: Download and install the necessary SFTP software for transferring your files to one of the SFTP servers, if you are planning to use an SFTP server. For more information, refer to the FAQ page. If you are not planning to use the SFTP servers to submit your data, disregard step 6.
  6. TEST CONNECTIVITY: Test to make sure that you can connect to the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server. For more information about connectivity issues, refer to the FAQ.
  7. POPULATE: Populate the templates or XML instances with manufacturer data for aggregate, and/or death and injury submissions. For field reports, make sure that the file names meet the filenaming requirements for field reports. For more information, refer to Field Report Submissions page.
  8. SUBMIT: Once you have determined that you can connect to the SFTP server, and you have populated your templates or XML instances, you are ready to submit your manufacturer data to NHTSA/ODI.