DOT News Masthead

Monday, February 8, 1999
Contact: Pamela Barry
Telephone: 202-493-6024
FRA 2-99

Federal Railroad Administration Awards Contract
For Procurement of Advanced Track Geometry Vehicle

Federal Railroad Administrator Jolene M. Molitoris today announced the award of a $3.7 million contract to ENSCO, Inc., of Springfield, Va., for the acquisition of a new track geometry measurement vehicle to replace the FRA’s 18-year-old Automated Track Inspection Program (ATIP) T-10 track geometry measurement car. Use of a geometry car is a key element of the FRA’s Track Safety Program.

"The new track geometry measurement vehicle will advance safety, which is President Clinton’s highest transportation priority," Molitoris said. "It will enhance our track safety oversight capabilities and thus help assure safe movement, especially of passengers and hazardous materials."


The new ATIP vehicle will be equipped with onboard, state-of-the-art data acquisition systems and a differential global positioning receiver. In addition, it will offer improved ergonomics, observation window space, and data displays. Acceleration and ride quality measurement capabilities will be improved as well.


The ATIP has been an important tool for federal and state track safety inspectors to identify track locations requiring further on-the-ground investigation. Utilizing advanced electronic sensing technology, the track geometry car records eight critical track measurements every foot to objectively identify problems in track gage, surface and alinement. Such equipment can accurately locate problematic conditions that are difficult to detect using conventional methods such as visual inspection. The data produced by the vehicle’s precise measurement of existing track systems are used to monitor compliance with Federal Track Safety Standards.

Approximately 25,000 miles of track are inspected annually under the FRA’s Automated Track Inspection Program including Amtrak routes, parts of the military strategic network and routes over which hazardous materials and spent nuclear fuel are frequently transported. The FRA performs automated track inspections in coordination with railroads. In doing so, the ATIP provides railroads with useful data for maintenance planning and facilitates compliance with federal safety regulations.


In addition to other track safety oversight activities, the FRA has conducted automated track inspections continuously since 1966. While the FRA has regularly updated computer systems and software on its current track geometry car, the T-10's suspension and propulsion systems have become obsolete and difficult to replace. The new vehicle will be able to monitor compliance with the recently revised Track Safety Standards (49 CFR Part 213), including requirements for the operation of high-speed passenger trains at speeds of up to 200 mph.





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