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Monday, Jan. 10, 2000

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 Director's answers to questions submitted to future@lanl.gov, Part 19

Laboratory Director John Browne has completed a set of answers to questions submitted to future@lanl.gov, Part 19. (see the Director's home page under "Ask the Director"). The director is always open to employee questions and will answer those sent to him at future@lanl.gov.

Pollution Prevention exhibit


Michael Padilla, an employee of Materials Management (BUS-4), checks out the new exhibit, '20 Years of Pollution Prevention at Los Alamos National Laboratory', located outside of the cafeteria area on the second floor of the Otowi Building in the Lab's main technical area. The poster display -- presented by the Environmental Science and Technology Division's Environmental Stewardship Office -- highlights the Lab's past and planned achievements in pollution prevention and waste minimation from 1993 through 2013. The poster was part of the Lab's exhibit at the U.S. Department of Energy's 1999 Pollution Prevention Conference recently held in Albuquerque.

Past, present and future pollution-prevention success stories featured in the display include the following:

The poster will be on display for the next couple of months. Those with questions about the Environmental Stewardship Office's programs can send questions to wastenot@lanl.gov or visit the organization's webpage at http://emeso.lanl.gov. Information about the 1999 DOE Pollution Prevention Conference is available online at http://p2.sandia.gov.

Energy Department proceeds with implementation of National Nuclear Security Administration

On Friday, the Department of Energy took two additional steps toward establishment of a new semi-autonomous agency, the National Nuclear Security Administration. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson met for the first time with the panel charged with conducting a search for a qualified Under Secretary for Nuclear Security. In addition, Richardson delivered to Capitol Hill the DOE's Implementation Plan for the NNSA. For more information, see the DOE news release.

Reading the label

Editors note: The Wellness Center is sponsoring a Celebrate Health 2000 Incentive Campaign beginning today through the end of February. For the next eight weeks, the Daily Newsbulletin will publish a weekly health-incentive tip. For more information, call the Wellness Center at 7-7166.

Now that "nutrition facts" are part of every food and beverage label, including some bottled water, we have a better idea of what we're eating. But we may not have a clearer idea, given all the measurements and percentages. The one clear statement is calories -- or is it? The cookie package may say "reduced fat" in big letters, and on the label it says 120 calories. You figure it's a great deal. As you finish off that box of cookies, feeling good about being health conscious, you read the back closely and discover you just ate 25 servings? What manufacturers consider a serving is usually absurdly small -- you'll be amazed once you discover how many people you can feed with just a box of cookies. Start reading the little print.

--Health Enhancement Systems Inc.

BlueCross/BlueShield concerns

A Dec. 21 New Mexican article raised concerns about the availability of emergency room facilities in Santa Fe for those with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Mexico health insurance. Gene Kersh, BCBSNM's manager, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dedicated Service Unit, has responded.

"I did read the article in the Santa Fe New Mexican regarding the Northern New Mexico Emergency Physicians," said Kersh. "While it is true that this group does not currently have a contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico/HMO New Mexico, it is not true that visits to the emergency room are being denied. We have covered, and continue to cover medically necessary claims billed for the ER physicians. I felt the article was very misleading. I want to reiterate that these ER charges have been and will continue to be paid.

"Anne Rice, one of our network Representatives, will be attending the Health Advisory Committee meeting on Jan. 25 to further explain this issue to the committee."

If you have questions regarding the Lab's health-care insurers, send them to the HAC's e-mail address, hac@lanl.gov. HAC will facilitate getting answers to employees' concerns and questions. In addition, HAC has started a series of noontime brown bag meetings that focus on health care. The first of these was held Dec. 10 and dealt with prescription services. The next will discuss the referral process, and like the first, will have BCBSNM representatives available to answer questions.

When the logistics for this brown bag are finalized, the Newsbulletin will carry an announcement.

HAC also has a Web site at http://www.hr.lanl.gov/Hac/Index.stm that links to the BCBSNM drug formulary and has additional information about HAC.

On today's bulletin board

Commuter's Corner | Parking areas around TA-3

  • Los Alamos: The Next 50 Years series
  • Women and metabolism
  • Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program
  • Celebrate Health 2000 at the Wellness Center
  • Los Alamos Symphony Orchestra (a Lab-sanctioned organization) and Los Alamos Choral Society winter concert
  • American Society for Industrial Security monthly meeting
  • The Wellness Center classes for 2000
  • Los Alamos Arts Council activity
  • Music and Movement class at Mesa Public Library
  • Smoking Cessation Support Group to begin Jan. 18
  • Meet Santa Fe artist at Mesa Public Library
  • Historic Properties at Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • The Los Alamos Little Theater presents a melodrama
  • UNM's Executive Master of Business Administration information session Jan. 13
  • Fidelity Investments here Jan 11 and 12
  • Los Alamos Bus System seeking your comments and suggestions
  • 47th Annual Western Spectroscopy Association Conference
  • 'Rover' reunion number 5
  • ASQ Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) beginners class forming

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Security issues at the Laboratory

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