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The mission of the Florida Center is to assist the citizens of Florida in the creation of more sustainable and livable communities.
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The Hillsborough Community Atlas, launched in January 2006, represents the initiation of the center's Community Atlas Program. It presents quality-assured data and information about communities in a format that can be easily accessed and understood by citizens and others. Interactive online maps allow users to view
information  spatially and   compare varied      aspects of          communities.


Community Design
Community Design
The Community Design program involves faculty and graduate students from the School of Architecture and Community Design (SACD) who assist Florida communities in solving various types of urban design and planning issues.
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Planning Informatics
Planning Informatics
The Planning Informatics program uses advanced information technology to assist local communities in projects that improve decision making about future growth, development, and the management of natural resources.
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Urban and Regional Policy Urban and Regional Policy The Urban and Regional Policy Research program is highly interdisciplinary and focuses on improving the design, planning, and management of Florida's communities.
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Education Education The Center is involved in graduate education through the School of Architecture and Community Design and the Department of Geography GIS Certificate Program, and as guest lecturers for other USF Departments.
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  •  Florida Center for Community Design and Research Brochure - Read More »
  •  The Florida Center for Community Design and Research has moved - Read More »
Copyright © 2008, Florida Center for Community Design and Research, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., HMS 301, Tampa, FL 33620-9951 -- (813) 974-4042
School of Architecture and Community Design - University of South Florida
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