Food and Drug Administration

Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee of the

Pediatric Advisory Committee

June 28, 2005


Precursor Preference in Surfactant Synthesis of Newborns, Sara Goldkind, MD, MA, FDA (HTM) (PPT)

Diseases of Alveolar Homeostasis: RDS and BPD, Jeffrey Whitsett, MD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (HTM) (PPT)

Precursor Preference in Surfactant Synthesis of Newborns, Aaron Hamvas, MD and Kimberly Spence, MD Children's Hospital, St. Louis, MO (PDF) (PPT)

Precursor Preference in Surfactant Synthesis of Newborns, Sarah Frankel, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine (HTM) (PPT)

Questions (HTM) (PPT)