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Office of Public Affairs

AUGUST 14, 2003

Thank you, Pat, for that warm welcome.  And thank you everyone for being here today.

It is a pleasure to be here in the great state of North Carolina with Representative Robin Hayes and our other distinguished guests. 

Transportation is the bedrock of our national economy.  And the speed, efficiency, and safety of our transportation networks in moving people and goods are vital to our economic health and our quality of life.

On behalf of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, to support the continuing growth and improvement of Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, I am pleased to deliver two checks totaling almost $37 million.

The first check is for more than $15 million in federal grants to expand the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport.  We will invest this money in two key projects: one to reduce delays and increase capacity, and another to open the door for the new trend of regional jet traffic.

Delays cost airlines money and cause passengers headaches.  That's why $7.5 million will go toward a third, parallel runway that will complement the two you already have.  This will alleviate existing traffic and pave the way for additional flights.

Another $7.7 million will be used for a very forward-thinking project - the expansion of this very concourse, Concourse E.  In fact, if you look out the window, you will see the future site of this concourse which is specifically designed for smaller, regional jets. 

This emerging market offers new and exciting economic opportunities for airports around the country.  More importantly, it offers the flying public more choice to go wherever and whenever they want. 

We're very excited to be part of such a cutting edge project, and look forward to watching its progress.

The second check, for more than $21.8 million, is an aviation block grant to help airports throughout the state of North Carolina.  This will bring the freedom of mobility to all corners of your state.  The money it will be distributed by the state to various non-primary airports.

I am proud that we in the Administration could help you make that happen.

At the Department of Transportation, we understand the importance of aviation to the economy of not only Charlotte, but the entire state of North Carolina.  These checks are an investment in your future.

When Congress returns to Washington next month, one of the first bills I hope it will take up is the legislation that authorizes $60 billion for our Nation's air transportation system over the next four years. 

This important bill funds much needed initiatives in safety, security, environmental research, and airport grants such as the one we are giving today.

The continued safety, security, and financial stability of our air transportation system are indispensable to our quality of life and our economy.  I strongly urge Congress to pass the aviation bill as soon as possible.

Now, Pat, if you and Congressman Hayes would be so kind as to accept these checks on behalf of the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport and the state of North Carolina, I will be pleased to endorse them.

Again, thank you all for joining us here today.  May God bless each of you and may God continue to bless the United States of America. 

Now, I would be happy to answer a few questions.




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