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DOT 78-02           
Thursday, September 5, 2002               
Contact:  Kim Riddle
Tel.:  (202) 366-5580

Transportation Secretary Mineta Presents New Transportation 9-11 Medal to Coast Guard Men and Women


U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta today recognized U.S. Coast Guard men and women for their heroic contribution to safety and security in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks with the new Transportation 9-11 Medal.

The new medal is awarded to Department of Transportation employees and private citizens for meritorious service and outstanding achievement in response to the attacks.  Hanging from a red, white and blue ribbon, the solid brass medal features 11 rays of light rising from a candle, with nine stars superimposed over the lights.  Two olives branches are set below the candle.  It is inscribed with the Latin term

“NE OBLIVISCARIS,” meaning “Never Forget.”  The back of the medal is inscribed with the words, “For Service and Sacrifice to the United States of America During and After the Tragic Events of September 11, 2001.”

During an awards ceremony in New York City on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter JUNIPER, Secretary Mineta said, “Not surprisingly, the Coast Guard was among the first to answer the call for help that horrific day.  Within moments of the attack, Coast Guard Activities New York organized a flotilla of private and public rescue vessels to assist in the waterborne evacuation of nearly a million survivors from lower Manhattan.  Under the worst of circumstances, putting their own safety in jeopardy, these individuals demonstrated to the world the selfless sacrifices they are willing to make every day for their fellow man.”

With bridges and tunnels closed, and subway lines either demolished or shut down, the waterways provided the only escape route for hundreds of thousands of workers in lower Manhattan. 

The Coast Guard Activities New York unit and Task Force -- which was called “Guarding Liberty” -- received the Secretary’s Outstanding Unit Award.  The unit is responsible for the safety and security of the port of New York and New Jersey.  In the days and weeks that followed Sept. 11th, Activities New York and the Guarding Liberty Task Force deployed an impenetrable homeland security shield around New York Harbor and the surrounding area.

The response to the terrorist attacks and ongoing threat has been truly a team effort.  Coast Guard Reservists returned to active duty.  The Auxiliary, an entirely volunteer arm of the Coast Guard, responded to many of the routine calls for help, freeing Coast Guard forces to conduct the largest port security operation since World War II.

“Ferry operators, pilots, and other mariners made significant contributions to the successful effort,” said Secretary Mineta.  “All of you answered the call to duty.”

Others participating in the awards ceremony included Vice Adm. Thomas Barrett, the Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard; Rear Adm. Vivien Crea, Commander of the First Coast Guard District; Capt. Craig Bone, Commander of Coast Guard Activities New York; and Cmdr. Bill Milne, Commanding Officer of CGC JUNIPER.




NOTE TO EDITOR:  Photos of the medal are available at


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