DOT News Masthead







9:00 AM


Thank you for that nice introduction.  

Good morning everybody, and congratulations to all of our award recipients -  the 62 outstanding employees who have been nominated for this award, approximately 50 of whom are with us today. 

Welcome to our Executive Management Team meeting. 

There are a lot of reasons why I love my job, but at the top of that list is the opportunity it gives me to say thank you to those who have made exceptional contributions to our government.  I am very proud of all of you here today.... and proud to be associated with you. 

Fortune 500 companies realized years ago that recognizing employees who have done their jobs well is an effective investment in their corporate futures, and a smart policy that pays out big dividends, financial and otherwise, at the end of the day. 

Wall Street calls it, “best practices”.  At DOT, we call it, “the right thing to do.” 

President Bush has said that the work of public employees is often behind the scenes and unsung, yet invaluable to the vitality of America.  The “Thanks A Million” awards are a small, but meaningful way, that we can recognize your good works. 

Throughout my career, serving at several different levels of local, state and federal government, I have always admired the day-to-day efforts of people such as those of you we honor this morning who keep our nation moving forward. 

The job of maintaining a world-class transportation system is one that is never done,  and often under-recognized.  But the work you do is so very important. 

It goes without saying that our nation faces enormous transportation challenges, especially since the horrific terrorist attacks of September 11 of last year.  These challenges can only be met by working together in a spirit of partnership. 

We are fortunate to have public employees such as yourselves who excel in displaying this cooperative, goal-oriented spirit. 

The public depends on us, they depend on you, and on our partners in state and local government and in private industry, to ensure that people and products reach their destinations safely and efficiently. 

Looking about the room this morning, you make me feel confident that we will not disappoint the American public. 

And so to you, I say, “Thanks A Million”.  Thank you for doing your jobs well.  We applaud your outstanding efforts.  You are the foundation of our success as a federal agency. 

Thanks a million, to all of you.


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Briefing Room