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2:30 PM


Thank you, Admiral Cross.  It is an honor to be here today to commission the newest Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team here in the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach.


A year ago, we never dreamed that we would be suffering the loss of thousands of our neighbors and friends.  Terrorism was found on the shores of foreign nations, not our own.


But today is different.  Today, we live in a world where terrorists have demonstrated unfathomed anger and a global reach.


This new threat requires that we rethink the way we look at security, in our transportation systems, including our seaports, where 95 percent of our overseas trade occurs.


A few minutes ago, I had the pleasure of recognizing just a few of the many people that responded quickly and unselfishly to protect our marine transportation system in these vital ports.  But they cannot go it alone, indefinitely, without their traditional responsibilities suffering. 


These dedicated individuals held the line for nearly a year – until reinforcements arrived.  And today they did arrive.  Maritime Safety and Security Team 91103 is one of several steps being taken to protect our seaports, waterways, and citizens.


Our plan takes a multi-layered approach that includes these new, special tactics teams to help us push our maritime borders outward in order to sooner detect, deter, and disrupt terrorist threats. 


These new teams, like the one just commissioned here today, will be a nimble, elite force that can quickly react to terrorist threats anywhere our nation’s seaports and waterways are threatened.


The Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach was chosen as one of the six sites for these teams due to its military and economic importance to our country.  It is the busiest in the Nation, receiving more than       4 million cargo containers and more than half a million cruise ship passengers each year.


This port is key to the future security and economic viability of the United States, and must be protected at all costs.


Therefore, it is with great pride that I see the proficient, well prepared, and motivated Maritime Safety and Security Team here today, ready for anything tomorrow.

The Coast Guard is Always Ready, Always There.  However, we could not do what needs to be done here without the help of the federal, state and local law enforcement, and private industry.  You all pitched in to keep commerce flowing in this time of heightened security.


Partnerships and cooperation are key to America’s survival.  And the terrorists who were looking to pull us apart, only proved how well Americans pull together in times of need. 


As you know, President Bush recently announced a major restructuring of the federal government, leading to the creation of a new Department of Homeland Security.  The Coast Guard will soon be joining several other agencies on a new team that will keep this Nation safe from future threats. 


But, no matter which Department the Coast Guard serves under, I know you will continue to do the great work that you are known for across the Nation and around the world.


And now, in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, your outstanding partnership has a new member to help keep the ports safe, and the economy moving.


Commander Smith, congratulations on your new command, and may the men and women of MSST 91103 prosper and serve the nation well.


Thank you for the honor of being with you here today.  You make me proud to be the Secretary of the United States Coast Guard. 


It has been a privilege to work with you, and       I am confident you will continue to make me proud as you meet the challenges you will face in your new department.  God bless America.  Semper Paratus. 




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