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Briefing Rooms

Fruit and Tree Nuts: Market Outlook


ERS conducts market outlook (situation and outlook analysis) for fresh and processed fruit and tree nuts within the Fruit and Tree Nuts program area. ERS analysts consider the development and implementation of agricultural and trade policies, effective domestic and foreign demand for fruit and tree nuts, weather, commodity and input prices, and general market conditions. Information and data are published five times a year, every other month beginning in March, in the Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook. Long-term supply and utilization projections for fruit and tree nuts are published in USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections, released annually in February.

ERS also provides fruit and tree nut data through Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook published annually in October. The Yearbook provides over 20 years of time-series data for fresh and processed commodities and includes annual bearing acreage, production, prices, value, imports, exports, per capita consumption, and monthly grower and retail prices.


For more information, contact: Agnes Perez or Susan Pollack

Web administration:

Updated date: January 10, 2008