Lands and Realty - Land Adjustments

In managing the 264 million acres of public lands under its jurisdiction, the BLM provides for acquisition, use, disposal, and adjustment of land resources; determines the boundaries of federal land; and maintains historic records for these ownership transactions.

Acquisition through exchange, purchase, and donation is an important component of the BLM's land management strategy. We acquire land and easements in land, when it is in the public interest and consistent with publicly-approved land use plans. The BLM's land acquisition program is designed to:

  • Improve management of natural resources through consolidation of federal, state, and private lands.
  • Increase recreational opportunities and preserve open space.
  • Secure key property necessary to protect endangered species and promote biological diversity.
  • Preserve archaeological and historical resources.
  • Implement specific acquisitions authorized by Acts of Congress.

Each BLM State Office has Acquisition Contacts who can assist with the details of these ownership transactions.