DOT News Masthead

Wednesday, May 5, 1999
Contact: Bill Adams
Telephone: 202-366-5580
DOT 68-99

Transportation Secretary Slater
Announces Forum for Dialogue
On Economic Analysis in Rulemaking

Recognizing the value of working with the public in developing rules, U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater today announced the first in a series of forums on rulemaking to help the U.S. Department of Transportation analyze its rules better. The first forum will be about economic analysis and is scheduled for 1-4 p.m., Monday, May 17, 1999, in Washington, D.C.

"This will be an opportunity to exchange ideas and start a dialogue so that the department will be able to provide better analyses to accompany rulemaking," Secretary Slater said. "By improving rulemaking we are helping the department serve the public better, demonstrating once again President Clinton’s commitment to reinventing government."

Secretary Slater said that the department is committed to increasing participation in the rulemaking process by all its stakeholders.

The May 17 forum calls for a moderator to present a series of issues to a panel of experts for discussion. The forum on economic analysis will address various issues such as problems with data, valuation of costs and benefits, and the basis of assumptions in the department’s analyses. Comments from the audience also will be encouraged.

Expert panelists for the forum on economic analysis are expected to include David Swierenga, Air Transport Association; Bob Castello, American Trucking Associations; Peter French, Association of American Railroads; Mike Coyningham, International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Larry Blincoe, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Joan Claybrook, Public Citizen; and Fred Scheer, U.S. Coast Guard.

The department plans to conduct two more forums before Oct. 1, 1999, in addition to the forum on economic analysis. They will be on risk assessment and small entities.

Because space at the forum on economic analysis will be limited, persons wanting to attend should register in advance. They can register electronically at on the Internet, by calling Blane Workie at 202-366-4723 (TDD: 202-366-7687) or by writing to her at the Office of General Counsel (C-50), U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh St., S.W., Room 10424, Washington, D.C. 20590. Her e-mail address is


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