USDA Economic Research Service Data Sets
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Data Sets

Feed Grains Database: Custom Queries


Follow the steps below to build custom tables. Select a data type (e.g., supply and use), attribute (e.g., area planted), and one or more commodities. The variable frequency (monthly, quarterly, or market year) and location (e.g., Minneapolis, Central Illinois, or United States) will depend on the data type and attribute you have chosen, as will the marketing years for which data are available. Finally, select a report style for the table and click Submit. On the results page, you will be able to change the report style and chose a file format to download the data.

This application functions best in Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or later).
  To select more than one commodity, hold down the [Ctrl] key while you click.
To select a range of commodities, select the first commodity of the range, hold down the [Shift] key, and then select the last commodity of the range.
To select a range ending with the current commodity, select the first commodity of the range, hold down the [Shift] key, and then select the [End] key.


  If you plan to create a chart (Step 7b), then please select
                                                                                         “Crosstab: By Commodity” or “Crosstab: By Location.”


Press Submit to create table; press Reset to start over.


For more information, contact: Allen Baker

Web administration:

Updated date: January 15, 2009