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How to Implement a Community-Based Designated Driver Program

  Program Planning
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Tips for Specific Groups


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  Criminal Justice
  Medical and Health Care Community
  Hospitality Industry and Retailers
  Armed Forces

Publicity and Promotion
  Working with the Media
  Calendar of Year Round Ideas
  Media Q&A

  Partners and Resources

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The Harvard University's School of Public Health (SPH) joined forces with the White House and the entertainment industry in a "Designated Driver" media campaign aimed at curbing alcohol-related fatalities during the Millennium New Year's Eve. At Harvard's request, the President taped a public service announcement (PSA) encouraging the use of Designated Drivers for broadcast on network television between Thanksgiving and New Year's. The campaign's message aired on the major broadcast networks and on 45 national and regional cable networks. In addition, the National Association of Broadcasters distributed the PSA by satellite to all local television stations.

SPH's Hollywood partners kicked off their commitment when CBS aired an episode of Paramount Network Television's Becker that addressed the consequences of alcohol-impaired driving and the importance of Designated Drivers.

Jay Winsten, associate dean at the Harvard SPH and Frank Stanton, director of the School's Center for Health Communication, noted that alcohol-impaired driving was one of the most serious problems facing the millennial celebrations.

Photo of Students Discussing Designate Driver Program

Their message, "Make It To The Millennium: Designate A Driver" was aimed at stemming the wave of drunk-driving fatalities expected during the celebrations.

While this particular activity was national in scope, it provides an excellent model for what can be done in partnership with your governor's or mayor's offices, a local or state university or college, and local TV and radio stations.



EN CARE is the Emergency Nurses Associations (ENA) Injury Prevention Institute. EN CARE and ENA are committed to reducing the number of preventable injuries through public education. Its alcohol-based programs include:

  • Learning to CARE
    An interactive slide presentation for 3rd to 5th graders that addresses the use of alcohol, helpful and harmful drugs, decision making, and peer pressure.

  • Take CARE
    Aimed at the population of 55 and above,this slide program focuses on the safe use of medication and highway safety issues.

  • Dare to Care
    A 45-minute slide presentation that discusses the consequences of underage alcohol use, drinking and driving, and safety belt noncompliance shows the impact of such behavior on families and others. This program is shown to teens, college students and adults.
 For more information, please visit
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