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Mission to Mars' north poloar region Phoenix Mars Lander
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Phoenix Mars LanderA Change of Seasons on Mars
This image, taken on December 21, shows the Phoenix Mars Lander during the last waning days of northern hemisphere summer. This is the first image targeted to the lander since it ceased activity.
+ Read more (January 02)
One Last Look at the Martian ArcticPhoenix Site on Mars May be in Dry Climate Cycle Phase
The Martian arctic soil that NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander dug into this year is very cold and very dry.
+ Read more (December 15)
Artist's depiction of the spacecraft fully deployed on the surface of Mars.NASA Finishes Listening for Phoenix Mars Lander
After nearly a month of daily checks to determine whether Martian NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander would be able to communicate again, the agency has stopped using its Mars orbiters to hail the lander and listen for its beep.
+ Read more (December 01)
Phoenix's robotic armPhoenix Mars Lander Team Wins Innovation Award
The University of Arizona has received an Arizona Governor's Innovator of the Year Award for leading NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander mission.
+ Univ. of Arizona release (November 19)
Artist's depiction of the spacecraft fully deployed on the surface of Mars.NASA Mars Lander Receives Award From Magazine
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has won recognition from Popular Science magazine as an innovation worthy of the publication's "Best of What's New" Grand Award in the aviation and space category.
+ Read more (November 13)

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› University of Arizona Phoenix site

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