Roseburg Advisory Council Members

Category 1

Note: All appointments expire 9/30/2006

Representing organized labor, developed and commercial outdoor recreation, off highway vehicles users, energy and mineral development interests, commercial timber industry or hold federal grazing permits or other land permits within the area for which the committee is organized.

Name Appointment Category of Interest
Gary Schroeder Member Commercial Timber Industry
Javier Goirigolzarri Member Commercial Timber Industry
Dennis Acton Member Organized Labor
Michael Estes Member Developed Recreation
James R Henry Member Developed Recreation Interests
Russell O McCurdy Alternate Commercial Timber
Paul Beck Alternate Commercial Timber

Category 2

Representing national, regional or local environmental organizations, dispersed recreational activities, archeological and historical interests or nationally or regionally recognized wild horse and burro interest groups.

Name Appointment Category of Interest
Bob Kinyon Member Environmental Organization
Maryjane Snocker Member Environmental Organization
Janice Green Member Dispersed Recreation
Donald Ollivant Member Environmental Organization
David Lorenz Member Dispersed Recreation
Paul J Utz Alternate Regional Environmental
Stan A Vejtasa Alternate Regional Environmental

Category 3

Hold state, county or local elected office, represent American Indian tribes within or adjacent to the area for which the committee is organized, school officials or teachers or represent the affected public at large.

Name Appointment Category of Interest
Judith Bacon Member Public at Large
Leonard J Schussel Member School Teacher
Shirley Cairns Member Elected Official
William Burnett Member School Official
Ronald Breyne Member School Official
Jacky M.Hagan Alternate Public-at-Large
Richard H Sommer Alternate Public-at-Large