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Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS)

View biographies of the scientists and engineers who are part of the LCROSS mission.photo of Jennifer Heldmann in space suit


Take the "Cratering the Moon" Challenge one step further with the Moon Math Supplemental Guide activities. Students will 1) approximate the area and volume of a classroom-made crater, 2) calculate and compare the
scale of lunar craters to classroom craters, and 3) observe how the
size, mass, and angle of impact of a projectile affect the area and
volume of a crater.


thumbnail of Moon Math educator's guide(Algebra and geometry
for grades 5-8.)

Use What's the Difference? to compare and contrast the moons and planets in our solar system. You can also input your own data sets to create an interactive customized comparison tool.

opening screen of what's the difference software
cartoon of habitat moving on moon

Participate in NASA Quest’s Lunar Outpost Design Challenge scheduled for Fall 2006! Students, primarily in grades 5–8, will be challenged to design systems to support living and working on the moon. This webpage also features teacher resources, NASA biographies, and a lunar reading list.

astronaut on the moon with flag

Explore images, videos, and journals from the Apollo missions at the following websites:

The Apollo Image Gallery
Apollo Audio and Movie Segments
Apollo Lunar Surface Journal

artists impression of Lunar Prospector
picture of teachers' manual

Teachers can download the Exploring the Moon Educator Guide for classroom activities and hands-on experiments.


The Lunar Prospector Education
has links to educator guides, lessons, models, and more.

What does it take for a world to be habitable to humans? Astro-Venture allows students in grades 5-8 to explore this question through interactive investigations in astronomy, geology, atmospheric science, and biology.

screen shot of astrobiology website
How will the crater created by the LCROSS impactor compare in size to other craters on the Moon?
Compare lunar crater sizes.
Selene is an online game being developed by Center for Educational Technologies® and the NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future to study how youth learn through educational videogames.
Visit Selene.
For more design challenges, biographies, interactive multimedia,
and other fun, educational
stuff, visit
NASA Quest.
NASA Quest logo question mark Got questions about LCROSS? Submit your questions to us.









 FirstGov  NASA

Editor: Brian Day
NASA Official: Daniel Andrews
Last Updated: May 2008