[Federal Register: January 23, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 15)]


[Page 3140-3143]

From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]




Rural Utilities Service


Broadband Pilot Loan Program

AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice of funds availability.


SUMMARY: This is to notify interested parties that, during the current 

fiscal year (FY) 2002, $80 million is available for loans in the 

Broadband Pilot Loan Program administered by the Rural Utilities 

Service (RUS). This is a continuation of the Broadband Pilot Loan 

Program initiated by RUS during FY 2001 to finance the construction of 

facilities and systems providing broadband transmission service to 

rural consumers. The program provides financing for facilities serving 

rural communities of up to 20,000 inhabitants so that rural consumers 

in those areas may enjoy the same quality and range of 

telecommunications services as are available in urban and suburban 

communities. This notice describes the eligibility and application 

requirements and the criteria RUS will consider in evaluating 

applications for broadband loans.

    RUS currently has applications for broadband loans, submitted in 

response to the FY 2001 Broadband Pilot Loan Program, in excess of $350 

million. Before accepting new applications, RUS will act on those 

completed applications currently pending. RUS currently has completed 

applications in the aggregate amount of $150 million. RUS anticipates 

that the FY 2002 lending authority will be fully committed after it has 

acted on those completed applications. However, should FY 2002 loan 

authority remain available thereafter, RUS shall publish a notice 

advising interested parties that it is accepting additional 


DATES: New applications will be accepted only if, after processing all 

pending completed applications, RUS publishes an additional notice 

announcing that loan funds remain available. See discussion below.


Administrator, Telecommunications Program, Rural Utilities Service, 

STOP 1590, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1590, 

Telephone (202) 720-9554, Facsimile (202) 720-0810.


Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements

    This notice contains no reporting or recordkeeping provisions 

requiring Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval under the 

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) because RUS has 

already received all information required for analysis of the loans to 

be considered under this notice.

General Information

    During FY 2002, $80 million will be made available for loans for 

the construction of facilities and systems to provide broadband 

transmission services in rural areas. The Broadband Pilot program is 

authorized by 7 U.S.C. 950aaa and the Agriculture Appropriations Act, 

2002, Public Law 107-76 and is a continuation of the Broadband Pilot 

Loan Program initiated by RUS during FY 2001 pursuant to a NOFA 

published December 5, 2000, 65 FR 75920 (Initial NOFA).

    The Initial NOFA announced that $100 million in loan funds would be 

available during FY 2001 on a first-come, first-served basis. The queue 

for considering and approving loans was established by the date on 

which the application was determined to be complete by RUS. During FY 

2001, RUS approved for funding 12 applications totaling $100 million 

dollars. RUS currently has pending completed applications for broadband 

loans, submitted in response to the Initial

[[Page 3141]]

NOFA, in the aggregate amount of $150 million.

    Except as discussed below under ``Response to Terrorist Events,'' 

before accepting new applications for broadband loans, RUS will act on 

those completed applications it currently has pending based on the date 

on which RUS determined the application to be complete. Should loan 

funds remain available thereafter, RUS will publish a notice advising 

interested parties that it is accepting additional applications.

    Drawing on experience gained in reviewing applications over the 

past year, this notice restates, clarifies, and provides additional 

information regarding the eligibility and application requirements and 

criteria RUS will consider in evaluating applications under the 

Broadband Pilot Loan Program.

    After the $80 million provided for in this NOFA is committed, RUS 

will return any remaining loan applications to their respective 

applicants. Should financing beyond the $80 million become available 

for broadband transmission services, RUS will, by separate notice, 

announce the eligibility and application requirements, priority 

criterion and approval standards.

Agency Contacts

    Applications from: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, 

Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New 

Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, 

Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, 

Virgin Islands: Mr. Kenneth Kuchno, Director, Eastern Area, 

Telecommunications, Rural Utilities Service, STOP 1599, 1400 

Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1599, Telephone (202) 


    Applications from: Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, 

Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming: Mr. 

Jerry Brent, Director, Northwest Area, Telecommunications, Rural 

Utilities Service, STOP 1595, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., 

Washington, DC 20250-1595, Telephone (202) 720-1025.

    Applications from: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, 

Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, 

American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Republic of 

Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern 

Marianas Islands: Mr. Ken Chandler, Director, Southwest Area, 

Telecommunications, Rural Utilities Service, STOP 1597, 1400 

Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1597, Telephone (202) 



    As used in this notice:

    Bandwidth means the capacity of the radio frequency band or 

physical facility needed to carry the broadband transmission services.

    Broadband transmission services means providing an information rate 

equivalent to at least 200 kilobits/second in the consumer's connection 

to the network, both from the provider to the consumer (downstream) and 

from the consumer to the provider (upstream).

    Eligible applicant shall have the meaning set forth in that 

paragraph entitled ``Eligible Applicant.''

    Eligible loan purposes shall have the meaning set forth in that 

paragraph entitled ``Eligible Loan Purposes.''

    Loan design shall have the meaning set forth in the paragraph 

entitled ``Loan Design.''

    Rural areas means any area of the United States not included within 

the boundaries of any incorporated or unincorporated city, village, or 

borough having a population in excess of 20,000 inhabitants.

    Spectrum means a defined band of frequencies that will accommodate 

the broadband transmission services.

Eligible Applicant

    To be eligible for a loan, the applicant must meet the following 


    (1) The applicant must be a public body; an Indian tribe; a 

cooperative, nonprofit, limited dividend, or mutual association; an 

incorporated or limited liability company; or other legally organized 

entity. The applicant may not be an individual or a partnership.

    (2) The applicant must have the legal authority to own and operate 

the broadband facilities, to enter into contracts, to borrow funds, 

provide security, and otherwise comply with applicable federal statutes 

and regulations.

Eligible Loan Purposes

    Loans may be approved to finance the improvement, expansion, 

construction, acquisition and operation of facilities or systems to 

furnish or improve broadband transmission service in rural areas 

subject to the following:

    (1) Loans may be approved to finance the acquisition of operating 

lines and facilities only if the acquisition is necessary to furnish or 

improve broadband transmission service in rural areas;

    (2) Loans may be approved to finance the lease or purchase of 

spectrum rights and bandwidth necessary to provide the broadband 

transmission services;

    (3) Loans may not be approved to finance operating expenses except 

in limited circumstances, such as for the initial operation of a new 

system, where RUS determines such financing will enhance feasibility of 

the loan and no other source of financing is available; and

    (4) Loans may not be approved to finance the duplication of 

existing adequate broadband transmission services provided by others.

Minimum Loan Amount

    Loans under this authority will not be made for less than $100,000.

Loan Terms

    Loans shall bear interest based on the United States Treasury rate 

for loans with comparable maturities and shall be repaid with interest 

within a period, not to exceed 10 years, that approximates the expected 

useful life of the facilities financed.


    Except as set forth below under ``Response to Terrorist Events,'' 

RUS processes applications for loans for broadband transmission 

services on a first-come, first-served basis determined by the date on 

which the applicant submitted a completed application.

    A completed application must include the following documentation, 

studies, reports and information satisfactory to RUS:

    (1) Completed Standard Form 424, ``Application for Federal 


    (2) Evidence that applicant is an eligible applicant.

    (3) A loan design.

    (4) Evidence that the proposed project will not result in the 

duplication of existing facilities providing adequate broadband 

transmission service.

    (5) Description of the qualifications of applicant's management and 

key employees including relevant training and work experience.

    (6) Financial feasibility studies, as described below.

    (7) Proposed security arrangements for the loan.

    (8) An environmental report on the project.

    (9) Evidence that the applicant and the project will be in 

compliance with applicable laws.

    Upon receipt, RUS reviews an application to determine whether the 

application is complete. If RUS determines that an application is not 

complete, it advises the applicant of requirements that must be met. 

Upon determining that the application is

[[Page 3142]]

complete, RUS assigns an application completion date which establishes 

the order of the application in the loan queue with the earliest 

application completion dates evaluated first. A determination that an 

application is complete is not a commitment to approve the application. 

Applicants are advised in writing of their respective application 

completion dates and the availability of loan funds.

    As of the date of this notice, RUS has a loan queue of completed 

applications in an aggregate amount well in excess of FY 2002 lending 

authority. Consequently, RUS is not now accepting additional 


Loan Design

    A Loan Design should contain the following, satisfactory to RUS:

    (1) A narrative discussing the proposed broadband transmission 

project including the costs of the project, all existing and proposed 

facilities that are a part of the project, the services to be provided 

by the project, the proposed service area, and the basis for subscriber 


    (2) Engineering design studies providing an economical and 

practical engineering design for construction of the applicant's 

broadband project that includes a detailed description of the 

facilities to be funded and setting forth technical specifications, 

data rates, and costs;

    (3) A map of the proposed service area reflecting the location of 

facilities and systems providing similar broadband services owned and 

operated by other entities; and

    (4) Subscriber forecasts and supporting documentation including 

market surveys.

Feasibility Study

    RUS will approve a loan only if, in RUS' sole judgment, the loan 

will be repaid according to its terms within the time agreed. The 

applicant must provide RUS with studies, satisfactory to RUS, 

addressing the financial feasibility of the broadband project. The 

applicant should include in its application:

    (1) Financial statements of the applicant for the last three years 

or for so long as the applicant has been in business if the applicant 

has not been in business for three years;

    (2) A loan budget showing all costs of the proposed project and the 

amount of loan and nonloan funds to be used;

    (3) A pro-forma five-year financial forecast including all revenues 

and expenses for the five-year period, a subscriber penetration 

forecast, and a detailed description of all associated assumptions;

    (4) Depreciation rates for the equipment being financed; and

    (5) Such additional information relating to financial feasibility 

as the borrower may choose to include after consulting with RUS.

Loan Security

    RUS will approve a loan only if, in RUS' sole judgment, the 

security therefore is reasonably adequate. Generally, RUS requires as 

security a first lien on all of the real and personal property that is 

part of the project financed by the loan, including any additional 

property relating to the project acquired after the date of the loan. 

RUS may require additional security, including, without limitation, a 

first lien on all real and personal property of applicant, and pledges 

of stock or other ownership interests in the applicant. RUS may also 

require that the applicant provide equity as a part of project or 

system financing.

    RUS loan documents set forth additional requirements on the 

applicant with respect to providing and maintaining security including 

operational, financial, and investment covenants and controls.

Approval Criteria

    RUS will consider, for approval, completed applications on a first-

come, first-served basis as discussed above under ``Application''. In 

order to approve a loan, RUS must determine that the application 

satisfies the following criteria:

    (1) The project will provide broadband transmission services in 

rural areas in an efficient and economical manner;

    (2) Loan funds will be used for eligible loan purposes;

    (3) The applicant has the necessary expertise and experience to 

successfully complete and operate the project;

    (4) The project is financially feasible and the loan will be repaid 

according to its terms;

    (5) The security for the loan is reasonably adequate; and

    (6) The applicant and the project will be in compliance with 

applicable laws.

    If RUS concludes that the application satisfies the above criteria, 

RUS may approve the application, in whole or part, and prescribe terms 

and conditions applicable to the loan.

    The applicant will be advised in writing of RUS loan approval and 

the expected timetable for delivery of loan documents for execution by 

the borrower.

    If RUS does not approve the application, RUS will so advise the 

applicant in writing.

Loan Documents

    The terms and conditions of loans shall be set forth in loan 

documents prepared by RUS. On request, RUS will provide applicants with 

examples of notes, loan agreements, and security instruments developed 

for use in the Broadband Pilot Loan Program. However, the terms and 

conditions of each loan shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    Among other matters, RUS may prescribe conditions to the advance of 

funds that address concerns regarding the feasibility of and the 

security for the loan. RUS may also prescribe terms and conditions 

applicable to the construction and operation of the project and the 

delivery of broadband transmission services to rural areas.

Other Federal Statutes and Regulations

    Loan applications will be required to demonstrate compliance with 

all applicable federal statutes and regulations, including, among 

others, those relating to nondiscrimination in federally assisted 

programs, government wide debarment and suspension (non-procurement), 

government wide requirements for drug-free workplace, restrictions on 

lobbying, audits, architectural barriers, flood hazard precautions, and 

delinquent debt.

    Applicants should contact the appropriate office identified above 

under ``Agency Contacts'' for additional information regarding any 

federal statutes and regulations which may apply to the project covered 

by the application.

Response to Terrorist Events

    Current RUS borrowers are advised that section 770 of FY 2002 

Appropriations Act, Public Law 107-76, provides as follows:

    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, from the funds 

appropriated to the Rural Utilities Service by this Act, any current 

Rural Utilities Service borrower within 100 miles of New York City 

shall be eligible for additional financing, refinancing, collateral 

flexibility, and deferrals on an expedited basis without regard to 

population limitations for any financially feasible telecommunications, 

energy or water project that assists endeavors related to the 

rehabilitation, prevention, relocation, site preparation, or relief 

efforts resulting from the terrorist events of September 11, 2001.

    Current borrowers qualifying under section 770 should contact the 

appropriate office identified above under ``Agency Contacts'' for 

additional information.

[[Page 3143]]

    Dated: January 11, 2002.

Hilda Gay Legg,

Administrator, Rural Utilities Service.

[FR Doc. 02-1666 Filed 1-22-02; 8:45 am]