Sandy River Basin Plan

BLM Seeks Public Comment on Sandy River Basin Plan

Sandy River Corridor.
Photo by Josh Kling/Western Rivers Conservancy.

The Bureau of Land Management, Salem District is currently developing a final plan for stewardship and recreation development in the Sandy River Basin. Located just east of Portland, the Sandy River is an important ecological and recreational resource. In the past 15 years, the BLM has acquired nearly 6,000 acres of public land. Combined with existing holdings, the BLM now manages 14,850 acres within the Basin.

The BLM, together with our partners, has crafted several strategies for the future management of these lands. The strategies are contained within the Sandy River Basin Integrated Management Plan Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Assessment (EA) describes current conditions in the Basin, outlines four alternative management strategies, and then analyzes the possible effects of those strategies.

The 30-day comment period on the Environmental Assessment closed on September 26th. Thanks to everyone who submitted comments or attended one of the public open houses. The BLM is currently considering these comments and working on a final Management Plan. The Plan will be completed sometime in early 2009 and will contain a comprehensive management strategy as well as individual resource-specific projects.

For a CD copy of the EA, contact the Salem District Office. The EA can also be found online at the Salem District Planning page.

For easier downloading, here is the EA by chapter:

Chapters 1 and 2 (PDF)

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background provides an introduction to the planning area and background on the SRBIMP planning process. The chapter identifies the purpose and need for management action, management goals and objectives and land use allocations within the planning area

Chapter 2: Alternative Development describes in detail the four management plan alternatives that were developed and evaluated in this environmental assessment.

Chapters 3 and 4 (PDF)

Chapter 3: Affected Environment analyzes the affected environment including current biological, recreational and socioeconomic conditions within the planning area.

Chapter 4: Environmental Effects assesses the impacts of each alternative on the resources described in Chapter 3.

Chapter 5 (PDF)

Chapter 5: Proposed Recreation Plans describes proposed facility and trail design plans for recreation development.

For further information about BLM’s Sandy River Basin Plan contact:

Zachary Jarrett, Cascades Outdoor Recreation Planner
E-mail: or call: 503-375-5610

Cindy Enstrom, Cascades Field Office Manager
(503) 315-5969