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February Dinner Meeting
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
5:00 PM

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Marketing 2.0 - Buzz & Social Media

Presented by Dave Taylor.

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Today, the RVC helps build better entrepreneurs by connecting them to the people, knowledge and money they need to succeed. Initially offering dinner meetings and networking sessions, RVC has expanded its programs to meet the needs of the audience. RVC offerings now include:

Dinner Meetings

Cocktails and networking
Sit down dinner with formal table networking
5 and 12-minute presentations by entrepreneurs seeking financing
A keynote speaker or panel discussion on topics designed to help entrepreneurs grow their companies

Speed Networking

Structured, high-powered networking-only events.

Great Connections / Venture Pubs

Less formal networking only events, held at various locations in the Denver Metro area.


Workshops allow us to concentrate on more focused, "how to" topics, designed to be interactive, with a smaller audience.

Colorado Capital Conference

The Colorado Capital Conference - held in late spring - is the signature event of the Rockies Venture Club. This full-day conference is focused on connecting companies to funds. The event has two tracks: one designed to educate entrepreneurs and one designed as an investor forum where prescreened, rehearsed deals are presented to a panel of funding sources - angels and venture capitalists - and receive real-time, professional and audience feedback. There are two keynote speakers, a closing reception with cash bar, and a private sponsored reception for funding sources and the presenters. Plenty of time is allowed for networking.

Angel Capital Summit

Hosted by the Rockies Venture Club and presented by EKS&H, the Angel Capital Summit provides the best forum between San Francisco and Chicago for investors and entrepreneurs to find each other. Forty entrepreneurs will present their businesses to hundreds of investors over the course of the day. These entrepreneurs are nominated and judged by a collaboration of dozens of the leading professional organizations that serve entrepreneurs and early-stage investors.

The Angel Capital Summit attracts the smartest investors and most innovative entrepreneurs, due in large part to its unique approach to reviewing each business. By the time any entrepreneur presents their plan, it has been judged not only against other early-stage companies, but against standards set by the greater business community. Read more about our unique process.

Phone: (303) 831-4174
FAX: (303) 758-3885
1805 S. Bellaire Street, Suite 480
Denver, Colorado 80222

Interested in learning more? Contact us here.
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