Nuclear Science & Technology Division (NST)

The Nuclear Science and Technology Division conducts research and development related to: nuclear technologies (reactors and accelerator-driven systems); reliability and risk assessment; and advanced modeling techniques for reactor simulation and energy systems. The Division serves as a resource in these and related areas to support the missions of the Department of Energy (DOE), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), other national and international organizations, and industry. In achieving these missions, the Division collaborates with other departments within BNL, other national laboratories, and industry.

The Nuclear Science and Technology Division has a world class staff of professionals with expertise in a broad range of areas related to the design and analyses of commercial, research and advanced nuclear systems. Capabilities and facilities are also available to support and execute experiments in support of these missions. Additional strengths are in the areas of Probabilistic Risk Analysis, Modeling of Complex Energy Systems, Risk Informed Regulation, and technical support to DOE and NRC to improve the safety of nuclear power plants, both domestic, and in the Former Soviet Union.

The Nuclear Science & Technology Division is divided into these groups:

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Last Modified: March 18, 2008
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