Many professionals at LLNL contribute their time and expertise as education outreach volunteers. They choose activities that match their interest and time availability. There are several ways to participate. The following is a partial list.

  • Guiding science teachers through laboratory facilities
  • Presenting science demonstrations to students
  • Developing science teaching materials
  • Presenting science talks to students
  • Conducting workshops

If you are interested in joining this special group of volunteers, Scientists & Engineers in Education, register with us today. Registration allows the Laboratory's Science Education Program to match your interests and recognize your contributions. Participation in these programs requires the approval of your supervisor.

The following is a more detailed description of several of the education activities that use Laboratory science volunteers.

Student Programs

Fun with Science Presenter
Fun with Science (FWS) is a two-hour presentation conducted on site at the LLNL Discovery Center as part of the Lab's Super Science Field Trip for fifth grade classes. FWS generates student interest in science through fun and interesting physical science demonstrations. FWS presentations are held Monday through Friday mornings, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. For more information, refer to the Super Science Field Trip web page.

Science on Saturday Presenter
Science on Saturday is a lecture series to introduce students to the “Big Science” at LLNL. Lab scientists, work with high school science teachers to develop a 60-minute presentation that provides the students with a baseline of science knowledge sufficient to understand the research discussed in the presentation. Presentation preparation is an estimated 12-hour commitment and presentations require a 4 hours on a Saturday morning.

Tri-Valley Science & Engineering Fair (TVSEF)
The Tri-Valley Science & Engineering Fair is a science project competition for Tri-Valley students in grades 7-12. It is held annually in March. The Laboratory has numerous volunteer needs including judges, mentors, science review committee members, and day-of support.

Teacher Programs

Edward Teller Science Education Symposium Presenter
The Edward Teller Science Education Symposium provides science teachers with new science teaching materials to keep their instruction and content knowledge up-to-date. These materials are based upon research occurring at LLNL. Presenters, work in collaboration with science teachers to develop the science materials and present the instruction in a one-day Saturday workshop. The teachers attending the symposium tour the research facilities related to the workshop theme. Participation commitment varies from an hour to guide tours, several hours on a Saturday to present instruction, and several days to develop materials.

Teacher Research Academies
Teacher Research Academies provide science teachers with a continuum of professional development across several science themes, and is a continuation of the Edward Teller Symposium. The instruction is based upon research occurring at LLNL. Laboratory scientists work with science educators to create and present the instruction. This instruction includes tours of research facilities. Participation commitment varies from an hour to guide tours, several hours to present instruction, and several days to develop materials. The academies occur during the work week during late June, July and August.