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D0 Run II Luminosity Summary D0 Run II Daily Data Taking Efficiency D0 Run II Monthly Data Taking Efficiency D0 Run II Integrated Luminosity By Days D0 Weekly Summary D0 Monthly Summary D0 Run II Fiscal Year from 1 October 2005 D0 Run II Fiscal Year from 1 October 2004 D0 Run II Fiscal Year from 1 October 2003 D0 Run II Fiscal Year from 1 October 2002 D0 Run I Integrated Luminosity
Fermilab is home to the Tevatron, the world's highest-energy particle accelerator. Four miles in circumference, the Tevatron is housed in a tunnel about 30 feet below the big ring you see at right in the aerial view of the laboratory. A series of accelerators continuously add energy to subatomic particles until they are racing around the Tevatron at 99.999 percent of the speed of light in a vacuum.

Discoveries are made by smashing the speeding subatomic particles together to see what comes flying out. In the Tevatron, two kinds of particles - protons and antiprotons - are sent around the ring in bunches, or "beams", in opposite directions. At a million times a second, the proton-antiproton collisions reach an energy level of 1.96 trillion electron volts (TeV) and are directed to the interaction points at the centers of the D0 and CDF detectors.

The luminosity of an accelerator is a measure of the number of particle collisions that occur each second. The energy of Tevatron collisions cannot be significantly raised therefore increasing the number and rate of collisions is the only path to discovery. To increase the number of collisions, accelerator experts try to maximize the peak luminosity, or initial number of protons and antiprotons, of each store to the Tevatron. A store produces about 10 to 20 hours of collisions. Raising the peak luminosity for each store maximizes the integrated luminosity, the cumulative total of particle collisions over the entire collider run. The higher the integrated luminosity, usually measured in inverse picobarns (pb-1), the greater the possibility of discovery.

The Tevatron collider physics program is comprised of two stages: Run I and Run II. From 1992 to 1996, the Run I collider program, operating at an energy level of 1.8 TeV, delivered to each experiment an integrated luminosity in excess of 160 pb-1, which was sufficient to discover the top quark. To continue the discovery of new particles, a series of improvements were made to the Tevatron over a five-year hiatus to provide a total energy of 1.96 TeV at the collision points, a 10 percent increase over the energy of Run I, and to deliver more than a 20-fold increase in the number of particle collisions observed and recorded at the particle detectors. In addition, the detectors completed upgrades to take advantage of the Tevatron's enhanced capabilities.

The Tevatron Run II collider program began March 1st 2001, and is scheduled to run through mid-2009. The DZero Experiment utilized the first year of collisions to commission the detector, trigger and electronics elements needed to perform physics measurements. The last major element to be completed - the central tracker - which is crucial for particle position and charge determination, was fully instrumented in April 2002, marking the beginning of the DZero Run II Physics Program. By May 2003, the Run II integrated luminosity recorded by the D0 detector had surpassed the total luminosity recorded in Run I.

Tevatron Run II Integrated Luminosity.  Each week's worth of luminosity contributes to the total. Tevatron Run II Peak Initial Luminosity By Stores. The blue squares show the peak luminosity at the beginning of each store.  The red triangle displays a point representing the last 20 peak values averaged together. Tevatron 9am Mtg plots.

Tevatron Milestones
  • 2006-01-06: Tevatron Has Another Peak Luminosity Record in 2006
  • 2005-10-04: World Record for Peak Luminosity of a Hadron Collider
  • 2005-06-24: Fermilab Celebrates One Inverse Femtobarn
  • 2005-03-28: Tevatron Achieves Record Integrated Luminosity
  • 2004-06-09: Joint Antiproton Accumulator-Recycler Store Achieved
  • 2004-01-26: First Store in Tevatron Using Antiprotons from the Recycler
  • 2003-08-22: Tevatron Achieves 225 Inverse Picobarns
  • 2003-06-27: Run II Status and Prospects
  • 2002-07-26: Tevatron Surpasses Run I Luminosity Record
  • 2002-03-02: Tevatron Luminosity Makes an Uphill Climb
  • 2001-04-27: First 36x36 proton-antiproton collisions
  • 2001-04-03: First Run II collisions
  • 2001-03-01: Collider Run II Begins at Fermilab
  • D0 Luminosity Highlights
    2006-01-06 New Record D0 Initial Luminosity Record of 1.59E32.
    2005-10-20 New D0 Luminosity Electronics.
    2005-10-20 D0 Surpasses 1.0 fb-1 Total Recorded Luminosity  [Fermilab Today article].
    2005-07-24 D0 Surpasses 1.0 fb-1 Total Delivered Luminosity.
    2005-01-10 D0 Surpasses 0.5 fb-1 Total Recorded Luminosity.
    2004-05-25 D0 Recorded Luminosity in 2004 Surpasses Total Recorded in 2003.
    2004-02-05 Three Consecutive Initial Luminosity Records.
    2004-01-18 New D0 Luminosity Measurement with Improved Uncertainty.
    2004-01-12 New Weekly Performance Record.
    2003-09-07 D0 Ended the Fiscal Year after Recording 186.2 pb-1 of Luminosity with an Efficiency of 81.7%.
    2003-05-19  New Record Weekly Luminosity Record of 7.8 pb-1 and the first week in Run II to exceed 90% operating efficiency.
    2003-05-03D0 Run II Recorded Luminosity Surpasses Total Recorded in Run I of 130 pb-1.
    2003-04-20 A Year and a Day in the Life of an Experiment.
    2003-02-21D0 Run II Delivered Luminosity Surpasses Total Delivered in Run I of 166 pb-1.
    2002-04-19 Fully Instrumented Central Fiber Tracker & Preshower.

    Last modified: Tue Aug 15 12:14:22 CDT 2006 archives email Fermilab email D0
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    Questions, comments and requests should be sent to the Alan L. Stone