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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Animal Health
Genomic and Immunologic Strategies to Improve Milk Production Efficiency and Control Mastitis
Using Genomics to Define and Control Parasitic Infections in Cattle
Manipulation of Mammary Stem Cells to Improve Milk Production Efficiency
Investigation of Parasite Infections That Impact Livestock Production
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
National Anthelmintic Survey
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
National Anthelmintic Survey
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of the Effects of Cis-Urocanic Acid in a Bovine Model of Acute Mastitis
Food Animal Production
Efficiency of Nutrient Use in Cattle:identification of Critical Physiologic and Genomic Regulatory Pathways
Enhancing Genetic Merit of Dairy Cattle Through Genome Selection and Analysis
Bovine Copy Number Polymorphism and Its Implication in Early Embryonic Loss
Discovery of Genetic Variation That Enhances Genetic Improvement of Dairy Production and Health in Cattle and Buffalos
Genome Signature of Artificial Selection and Genome-Wide Association Analysis in Holstein Cows
Genomic and Metabolic Bases Underlying Protein and Fat Accretion in Cattle
Implementation of Whole Genome Selection in the U.S. Dairy and Beef Cattle Industries
Large Scale Bovine Snp Genotyping for Genomic Selection and Hapmap Development
Application of Bioinformatics to Livestock Genomes
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Structural Variations in Livestock Genomes
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Functional Genomics and Proteonomics for Improved Cloning Efficiency
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
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Last Modified: 01/16/2009
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