Medford Timber Sales

5 Most Recent Timber Sale Notices

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Date Title
Nov 19 2008Timber Sale Notice for the Lookout B Low Salvage and Double Down Salvage timber sales  (PDF)
Nov 19 2008Legal Ad for the Lookout B Low Salvage and Double Down Salvage timber sales  (PDF)
Sep 04 2008Legal Ad and Timber Sale Notice for the Lower Down Salvage, Blown A Round Salvage, and Windy Salt Salvage timber sales  (PDF)
Sep 04 2008Timber Sale Notice for the Lower Down Salvage, Blown A Round Salvage, and Windy Salt Salvage timber sales  (PDF)
Aug 13 2008Windy Soda Salvage Timber Sale Notice  (PDF)

5 Most Recent Timber Sale Results

December 18, 2008

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Appraised Price Bid Price Species Bid/MBF
2009-0004 LOOKOUT B LOW SALVAGE (5900) MURPHY COMPANY 24 Months 1 4,128.0 $318,982.20 $318,982.20 $106.80
2009-0005 DOUBLE DOWN SALVAGE (5900) EAST FORK LUMBER CO INC. 12 Months 2 2,455.0 $265,903.60 $278,383.60 $151.00

September 25, 2008

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Appraised Price Bid Price Species Bid/MBF
2008-0030 LOWER DOWN SALVAGE (5900) BOISE BLDG SOLUTIONS MFG LLC 24 Months 3 6,545.0 $527,273.80 $847,338.60 $183.50
2008-0031 WINDY SALT SALVAGE (5900) MURPHY COMPANY 24 Months 1 9,342.0 $867,458.20 $867,458.20 $125.40
2008-0032 BLOWN A ROUND SALVAGE (5900) HERBERT LUMBER 24 Months 5 6,355.0 $818,108.70 $1,885,748.70 $427.00