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Privacy Policy Statement

If you provide personal identifying information about yourself by filling out a form on this site:

Information collected from forms submitted on this site may be subject to the requirements of the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a).
The purpose of the Privacy Act is to balance the government's need to maintain information about individuals with the rights of individuals to be protected against unwarranted invasions of their privacy stemming from federal agencies' collection, maintenance, use, and disclosure of personal information about them. Whether stored in manual/paper files or in a database, the Privacy Act requires the information collected be stored in secure locations, with access limited to those employees with a "need to know." Any information that we collect may be subject to disclosure, but will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act to ensure the greatest protection of personal privacy in the face of any required disclosure. Except as might be required by law, we do not share any information we receive with outside parties.


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