United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Dana York, Associate Chief

Updated 08/23/2006

Associate Chief Dana YorkDana D. York was selected as Associate Chief for NRCS in August 2004. She is NRCS’ highest ranking female leader and its first female associate chief. In the associate chief position, she manages the agency’s overall programs and operations, including a $3.2 billion annual budget.

NRCS works directly with landowners to help protect the Nation’s soil and water resources on private land in a voluntary, science-based approach. It also works in partnership with a broad array of state and local groups to sustain and enhance environmental quality.

From 2001 through 2004, York served as director of the NRCS Operations Management and Oversight Division with responsibility for the agency’s operations management, including monitoring operations, business planning and accountability, and development and monitoring of Integrated Accountability and Executive Information systems. She also directed the agency’s efforts on quality assurance, oversight and evaluation.

York began her 29-year career with the former Soil Conservation Service (SCS) as a student trainee while attending Tennessee Technological University. She has held various positions with the agency in Tennessee and Ohio, including soil conservationist, district conservationist and deputy state conservationist. She joined the NRCS National Headquarters staff in 1999 as a special assistant to the Chief.

York is a native of Tennessee. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Science from Tennessee Technological University and a Master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Middle Tennessee State University through the USDA Graduate Studies Program.

She resides with her family on the eastern shore of Maryland.