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FNS FY 2004 Small Business Acquisition Round Tables

Round Tables Are Full

The USDA, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) will hold two Small Business Acquisition Round Tables during the months of January and February. These round tables are intended to identify small businesses that specialize in areas relevant to FNS’ procurements. For detailed information on procurements planned for award in FY04, please review our Advanced Acquisition Forecast, which can be accessed on the following USDA website: .

For the first round table event, FNS is seeking participants that specialize in information technology (IT) services. The second event is open to all small businesses, including IT firms, that provide the types of services that could potentially fulfill FNS’ acquisition needs. FNS acquires a wide variety of services from contractors, however does not typically procure construction or A&E type acquisitions. Interested parties should refer to the FY04 Advanced Acquisition Forecast for further details on upcoming requirements. FNS is particularly interested in identifying potential service disabled veteran owned sources that have the capabilities to contribute to the achievement of our small business goals. 

The agenda for these round tables will include a discussion of upcoming FNS procurements and information pertinent to conducting business with the Agency. Each participant will have the opportunity to provide a five-minute briefing on the firm’s capabilities. 

In addition to vendor participants, the Agency will have representatives from its program offices and procurement divisions. If your firm wishes to participate in one of the scheduled events listed below, please contact Lisa Wilusz via e-mail at  for more information. 

The FY04 Round Tables will be held at USDA, Food and Nutrition Service, 3101 Park Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302 on:

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM (IT firms only)
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2004, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
(Open to all small business service providers)



FNS will select firms with the objective to achieve a diverse mix of participants relative to size and status (i.e. small, small disadvantaged, women-owned, 8(a), service disabled veteran-owned, HUBZone, and GSA schedule holders). We can accommodate a maximum of twelve firms at each round table.

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