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To the right you will find the four categories of products avaliable at Dairyland.
You may click on the corresponding image or the links below to read more about the product you are interested in.

- Corn For Grain
Corn Silage

Corn For Grain

Corn For Grain

Dairyland's five corn plant breeders have a single focus: genetic improvement. Our Stealth corn hybrids have had more than 800 "Top 10" University trial finishes in the past eight years. We feature high yielding conventional hybrids as well as Roundup Ready, YieldGard corn borer and YieldGard rootworm hybrids. Farmers planted more than 8 billion Dairyland corn seeds in 2002 with less than a handful of quality assurance problems.


Dairyland's soybean breeding program is considered one of the premier breeding programs in the industry and deservedly so. Since 1990, DSR soybeans have had more than 1400 "Top 10" University finishes. We were the first to release herbicide tolerant soybeans in 1993. Additionally, we were the first to break the 70, 80 and later the 90-bushel per acre yield level with herbicide tolerant soybeans. Conventional STS soybeans help round out a complete product line.


Welcome to the New Science of Alfalfa. Thanks to our patented msSUNSTRA™ hybrid alfalfa technology, Dairyland was able to release the world's first hybrid alfalfa, HybriForce®-400. We are now releasing our second hybrid alfalfa, HybriForce®-420/Wet. It is a branch-root companion that will perform particularly well in heavy soils. University trials show an 8 percent yield advantage with hybrid alfalfa and our on-farm strip plot results show yield advantages of 15 percent. This is the best seed investment a hay producer can make.
Corn Silage

Corn Silage

Our Hi D.F.® hybrids contain the name Hi.D.F. because of their highly digestible forage. At Dairyland, silage is important, and we take a closer look at differences among hybrids and their forage digestibility. Many of these proprietary Hi D.F.® hybrids contain the soft kernel trait for improved digestibility. All are good grain producers, but carry extra digestibility as their feature. And, yes, there is a difference among hybrids.

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