U S D A and Rural Development Logos         Committed to the future of rural communities    


Washington State


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Office of Community Development

 The Office of Community Development (OCD) administers rural community development programs within USDA Rural Development.  Each program and initiative promotes self-sustaining, long term economic and community development in rural areas.  OCD also offers community development technical assistance at the local level.

  Typical Community Development Services we can assist with:

  • Provide technical assistance to local communities and citizen groups in strategic plan development, partnership building, and leadership development.
  • Implement programs that demonstrate effective methods of building vital rural communities.
  • Disseminate information about effective rural community and economic development strategies and methods.
  • Promote networking among rural communities and rural development practitioners.
  • Promote all USDA Rural Development programs as well as encouraging cooperation and networking with local, state, and other federal agency programs.
  • Provide training, team building and capacity building to rural communities.  Help remove barriers to development within a community by acting as facilitator and providing training and guidance regarding strategic planning, benchmarking and funding issues.

For more information on programs and resources available through the Office of Community Development, check out the National Office of Community Development Website.

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 Last modified: January 06, 2005