Procedure for Suggesting Changes to the DIF Writer's Guide
Note that each field description in this document consists of the following sections:
  • Field Name
  • Definition
  • Syntax
  • Specifications
  • Recommendations
  • Examples

Different procedures exist to change the different sections of the field descriptions. There are three procedures:

  1. Changes to DIF Field Names, Definitions and Syntax, this procedure includes suggestions for new fields
  2. Changes to DIF Field Specifications
  3. Changes to DIF Field Recommendations and Examples
1. Changes to DIF Field Names, Definitions and Syntax

Changes to the DIF field names, definitions and syntax may be suggested by posting the proposed change to the Interop Listserver, a forum which discusses the DIF and related metadata issues. Suggestions for new fields are also sent to the Interop Listserver. For more information about the Interop Listserver, see The proposed change should be sent by email to, describing

  • the field concerned
  • the proposed change
  • reasons for the change

The listserver participants then discuss the suggestion via the forum. Based on the discussion, the suggestor may revise the proposal. The revised proposal is then sent to the listserver, and discussion continues. When a final proposal is achieved, the proposal is sent to a voting commitee which votes on the proposed change. If the vote is favorable, the change is implemented. Changes will appear in the next release of the MD software and DIF Writer's Guide.

2. Changes to DIF Field Specifications

Changes to the DIF field specifications may be suggested by sending email to User Support, describing

  • the field concerned
  • the suggested change to the specification
  • reasons for the change
  • your email address, so a reply may be sent

GCMD staff then reviews the suggestion and decides what action to take. A reply is sent to the individual making the suggestion, stating what action will be taken. If discussion of the change is necessary, the individual may be asked to post the suggestion to the Interop Listserver, as outlined above. Changes will appear in the next release of the MD software and DIF Writer's Guide.

3. Changes to DIF Field Recommendations and Examples

Improvements and additions to the DIF field recommendations and examples may be suggested by sending email to User Support with the following information

  • the field concerned
  • the suggested change
  • your email address, so a reply may be sent

GCMD staff then reviews the suggestion and decides what action to take. A reply is sent to the individual making the suggestion, stating what action will be taken. Changes will appear in the next version of the DIF Writer's Guide.

This document should be cited as:
Directory Interchange Format (DIF) Writer's Guide, 2008.
Global Change Master Directory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [].