
Welcome to the Global Change Data Center (GCDC) Home Page. GCDC is part of the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center's Earth Sciences Division, located in Greenbelt, MD, USA.

The mission of the Global Change Data Center is to develop and operate data systems, generate science products, and provide archival and distribution services for earth science data in support of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and NASA's Earth Science Program.

Science Goals

  • Provide data and information management systems, services, and expertise to maximize the availability and utility of NASA Earth Science data.
  • Work in collaboration with science communities to ensure that systems ans services address current and future science priorities and budgets.
  • Develop innovative systems and tools that can readily be reused to support new missions and R&A.
  • Engage with external groups to develop policies and practices regarding Earth Science related standards, software reuse, technology, and metrics.

Key Personnel

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