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The Wallace Energy Systems & Renewables Facility

The WESRF at OSU provides research, testing and consulting services related to machines and drives, power electronics, hybrid electric vehicles, power systems and renewables.

If you are interested in supporting our research you can make a tax deductible gift to the Oregon State University Foundation for the Energy Systems Fund

You can also contribute online to the Alan K. Wallace Memorial Scholarship

Wallace Energy Systems & Renewables Facility
Annette von Jouanne and Ted Brekken  
creating energy from waves

OSU's multidisciplinary research team is pursuing wave energy developments in several thrust areas including:

Researching novel direct-drive wave energy generators
-11th prototype (10kW) successfully ocean tested with Columbia
  Power Technologies (CPT) in Sept. 2008
-Hydrodynamic behavior fit our expectations and design, the   deployment went smoothly and we collected a large amount of data to further evaluate
-The CPT and OSU team did a tremendous job in this collaborative effort

Developed a Unique Wave Energy Linear Test Bed in the WESRF Lab

Establishing a USDOE Northwest "National Marine Renewable Energy Center" (NMREC)
-ocean test berths, environmental studies, community outreach etc.
-Power analysis and data acquisition system development


In 2007/2008, OSU, in collaboration with Columbia Power Technologies (CPT) and the U.S. Navy, evaluated 18 different direct-drive technologies, and down-selected to five promising designs. OSU and CPT built each of those prototypes at the 200W peak level and tested them on OSU's new wave energy linear test bed. OSU and CPT also comprehensively simulated each of the designs, and scaled the simulations up to 100kW, including full 100kW designs with costs, maintenance, operations etc., to give estimates for total costs of energy for each. This has been a tremendous collaboration enabling the zeroing in on optimum designs, and based on this work, in September 2008, OSU and CPT completed a series of very successful bay and ocean testing (see pictures). CPT is now driving these efforts to commercialization, and OSU will continue to partner with them in a supporting/research role.

wesrf banner image

Video: Wave Energy Generator Deployment


Ocean Wave Energy Posters
(click on image for full-size poster)



Wallace Energy Systems & Renewables Facility
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5501
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