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Past Issue

Vol. 11, No. 3
March 2005

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SARS Risk Perceptions in Healthcare Workers, Japan

Teppei Imai,* Ken Takahashi,*Comments Tsutomu Hoshuyama,* Naoki Hasegawa,† Meng-Kin Lim,‡ and David Koh‡
*University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu, Japan; †Keio University, Tokyo, Japan; and ‡National University of Singapore, Singapore

Appendix 1. Excerpt from questionnaire

Knowledge of Preventive Measures

"Do you believe the following measures are useful in protecting you from contracting SARS?"

  1. Area isolation
  2. Hand washing
  3. Alcohol rubs
  4. Prominent notices
  5. N95 mask
  6. Gloves
  7. Gowns
  8. Surgical mask
  9. Temperature checks
  10. Hair cover
  11. Paper mask
  12. Goggles
  13. Gauze mask
  14. Shoe cover
  15. Limiting visitors

Concept of Institutional Measures

  1. "Were clear policies and protocols instituted for everyone to follow?" (clear policies and protocols)
  2. "Do you have someone to turn to when you have a problem using the personal protective equipment?" (specialist available)
  3. "Was there adequate training provided to you in the use of masks?" (adequate training)
  4. "Do you feel that the implementations of protective measures at work are generally effective?" (effectiveness)

Perception of Risk

  1. "Do you feel that you shouldn't be looking after patients with SARS?" (avoidance of patient)
  2. "Do you accept the risk of getting SARS as part of your job?" (acceptance of risk)
  3. "Do you have little control over whether you get infected or not?" (little personal control)
  4. "Are you afraid of falling ill with SARS?" (fear)
  5. "Are you looking for another job or considering resigning because of the risk?" (job change)
Comments to the Authors

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Ken Takahashi, Department of Environmental Epidemiology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, 1-1 Iseigaoka, Yahatanishiku, Kitakyushu 807-8555, Japan; fax: 81-93-601-7324; email:

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This page posted February 10, 2005
This page last reviewed September 4, 2008

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention