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Joomla Templates
  • Magento Club

    Magento Templates Club is now open. We are confident to become the best Megento Template Club on the NET!

    • The same high quality design as our Joomla templates
    • CSS3 powered, lightweight, easy to customize
    • Multi color/theme options
    • Forum & Premium email supports
    • At least one new template every month.
  • Joomla Templates Club

    Template Club


    65 current + 20 coming
    • 65 Templates to download
    • Thousands of Club Members..
    • Growing strong community
    • Extensions (as demo) included


    100% tableless design
    • 100% CSS/Tableless design
    • CSS/HTML Validation
    • Multi color/theme options
    • Easy to customize


    Joomla 1.0 + Joomla 1.5
    • Support Joomla 1.5 Native
    • Support Joomla 1.0 Native
    • Joomla update, we update!
    • Latest J! version guarantee


    Premium Free Support
    • Friendly Forum support
    • 24 hours Email support
    • Well commented Codes
    • Tutorial + Detailed userguide
  • Joomla Extensions Club
  • Pricing
  • Money Back Guarantee


    Within 7 days from your purchase, you can request a refund at our Refund Request Form if

    1. Our templates/extensions have problems and not functional
    2. Our support team are not able to get it solved via the premium email support
JA Topaz - Get your business site innovated
Templates Club - Club Portfolio
Wednesday, 22 April 2009

JA Topaz
JA Topaz

Our 2nd template for April is now available, follow this link for a quick tour: JA Topaz. It delivers a modern business concept with a light elegant style and 05 built-in color variants.

Joomla 1.5 overwrite feature has shown its potential so far and based such benefits, JA Topaz easily creates customized instance for default com_content output. This approach reveals that web designers can powerfully take over control of virtually all the output generated to their personal preferences without having to worry about changes being accidentally overwritten when upgrading the site.

As a result, we just use single JA News module 1.3.1 to dispose articles sorted by sections or categories in JA Topaz homepage, default layout alike JA News front-page is no longer in place as it is now handled by overwritten com_content.

There are many competing requirements for web designers and developers for customization, in that context, ideally you can find JA Topaz as a demonstration how to apply changes while eliminating "hack" core files.

JA Tube - Modern video & media template
Templates Club - Club Portfolio
Wednesday, 22 April 2009

JA Tube
JA Tube

Knowing that many of JoomlArt members have stayed a long time with Joomla and switching to a new platform might not always be a priority, thus concerns to duplicate a Magento design might exist. For this reason, we make our Magento design JM Tube possible in Joomla and name it JA Tube.

Due to the nature of each platform, some slight changes in module allocation and built-in extensions are adapted for JA Tube to well match with Joomla platform, yet they have no affects to template's scope of use in actual (i.e. Movies/Games, Photo/Digital items, Softwares CDs/DVDs etc., ).

For video demonstration, JA Tube explores embed video via custom module as a replacement to our Slideshow solution. You are presented with a video box and watch the video directly on the page. Meanwhile, modules JA Content Slider and JA Tabs take the place of default extensions in JM Tube for article listings.

JA Tube will be an ideal store addition to any business, either as a sub-store or the whole portal solution.

JM Tube - Modern Magento template
Templates Club - Magento Themes
Tuesday, 14 April 2009

JM Tube
JM Tube

Going after JM Purity and JM Mesolite, now it is high time to create a very unique concept for JoomlArt Magento Template Club, that idea motivates us to JM Tube. The concept widely fits in different product types like Video, Games/Movies, Photo/Digital items, Softwares CDs/DVDs etc.,

Not just unique in design, functional modules are oustanding parts of JM Tube, even in case they are used as a stand-alone extension. JM Slideshowupdated holds the first place among those in our choice for JM Tube, it creates a charming slideshow with various configuration permissions enabled. To market a lively product showcase, JM Slideshow will be a good match.

Relying on JM Product List module, JM Tube operates its own product listing sorted by common product attribute sets (i.e. Latest, Feature, Best Buy, etc.,). Adding to that, newly released JM Rss module brings a helpful enhancement to JM Tube article manager, keeping the latest news on your store pages on real-time update. When getting closer look into the JM Tube, more indepth configuration options will be available therein for your exploration.

JM Slideshow for Magento - Updated version
Templates Club - Magento Themes
Tuesday, 14 April 2009

JoomlArt is happy to bring a good news to our Magento Club members, the JM Slide show updated module launching in our Magento template JM Mesolite has been updated with more functional features.

We capture all advanced features of JA Slide show developed for our Joomla-based templates (i.e. JA Sanidine II, JA Quartz, JA ZinC etc.,). The module still calls images from a specific media folder and push them into slideshow, however, the updated JM Slide show grants you full control to define the animation effects in your own taste. It is possible to re-size the slide frame width or height, change the animation type or adjust image opacity ratio for transparent effect.

Among various configuration parameters available in JA Slide show, descriptions adhered to each image will be a powerful feature. It enables to display brief texts on image loading or mouse-over, depending on your setting. With the JM Slide show, creating a charming slideshow is quite simple now and it is time for you to try out the soft switch effect of slideshow.

JA Ruby - JoomlArt additional template for March 09
Templates Club - Club Portfolio
Saturday, 11 April 2009

JA Ruby
JA Ruby

Finally, our additional template JA Ruby for March has been released, even though it is a little bit behind schedule. Thanks to valuable comments from JoomlArt members, JA Ruby is now available with a wide color collection from bright color set like default and city themes, to dark color schemes like blue, gray, green, pink, red and city night.

In JA Ruby, we mostly make use of default Joomla! components, modules and in particular custom modules. As the actual use of JA Ruby might vary depending on the end-users, having a few addons in the template should be a good point for those who expect to explore default Joomla! Going on that way, you might want to disable our built-in extensions JA slideshow 2 and Content Slider modules in JA Ruby or integrate new extensions as you wish.

JA Ruby serves as an open-ended design solution on which you have a wide space for customization.

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