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Links (Last updated Jan. 11, 2008)

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   General Links

Extension Services
  • Iowa State University
  • North Dakota State University
  • South Dakota State University
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Wisconsin

University of Minnesota Extension
  • Center for Farm Financial Management
  • Farm Business Management (MnSCU)
  • Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Southwest Research and Outreach Center
  • Southern Research and Outreach Center
  • University of Minnesota

Farm Organizations
  • American Farm Bureau
  • Iowa Farm Bureau
  • Iowa Farmers Union
  • Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation
  • Minnesota Farmers Union
  • National Farmers Organization

Farm Safety
  • Agricultural Safety & Health Information Clearinghouse
  • Farm Safety Just 4 Kids
  • National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
  • North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks

Federal Government
  • Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • National Agricultural Statistics Service
  • Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
  • U.S. Senate
  • U.S. House of Representatives
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

  • Dyersville Sales Company hay auction
  • USDA Dairy Market News
  • USDA Weekly Hay Reports

News and Information
  • Wisconsin Ag Connection

State Government
  • Iowa
  • Minnesota State
  • Minnesota Planning
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Wisconsin

State Departments of Agriculture
  • Iowa Dept. of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
  • Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture
  • North Dakota Dept. of Agriculture
  • South Dakota Dept. of Agriculture
  • Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Youth Organizations
  • Iowa 4-H Youth Development
  • Iowa FFA Association and Agricultural Education Information
  • Minnesota 4-H Youth Development
  • Minnesota FFA Association
  • National FFA Organization
  • National 4-H Council

  • Agricultural Climate Information (Univ. of Minn.)
  • Department of Soil, Water and Climate (Univ. of Minn.)
  • National Weather Service
  • Iowa State University Extension Weather
  • Intellicast
  • (The Weather Channel)

World Links
  • European Union
  • World Bank
  • World Trade Organization (WTO and GATT)

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   Trade Organizations

Alternative Livestock
  • America Emu Assoc.
  • International Llama Registry
  • American Ostrich Assoc.
  • Great Lakes Alpaca Association
  • Minnesota Buffalo Assoc.
  • Minnesota Elk Breeders Assoc.
  • National Bison Assoc.
  • North American Deer Farmers Assoc.
  • North American Elk Breeders Assoc.
  • North Dakota Buffalo Assoc.

  • American Angus Assoc.
  • American Hereford Assoc.
  • American Simmental Assoc.
  • Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board (CBB)
  • Iowa Cattlemen's Assoc.
  • Minnesota Beef Council
  • Minnesota Beef Expo
  • Minnesota State Cattlemen's Assoc.
  • National Cattlemen's Beef Assoc.

  • American Coalition for Ethanol
  • American Corn Growers Assoc.
  • Iowa Corn Growers Assoc.
  • Minnesota Corn Growers Assoc.
  • National Corn Growers Assoc.
  • North Dakota Corn Growers Assoc.
  • South Dakota Corn Growers Assoc.
  • Wisconsin Corn Growners Assoc.

  • American Guernsey Association
  • Holstein Association USA
  • Iowa Holstein Association
  • Midwest Dairy Association
  • Minnesota Milk Producers Association
  • National Mastitis Council
  • National Milk Producers Federation
  • Wisconsin Holstein Association
  • World Dairy Expo

  • Minnesota Certified Seed Potato Growers Association
  • National Potato Council
  • Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Assoc.

  • National Pork Board
  • National Pork Producers Council
  • Minnesota Pork Producers Assoc.
  • Iowa Pork Producers Assoc.
  • Wisconsin Pork Producers Assoc.

  • Agriculture Utilization Research Institute
  • American Egg Board
  • Minnesota Turkey Growers Association
  • National Turkey Federation

  • American Sheep Industry Assoc.

Small Grains
  • National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance
  • Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers
  • National Association of Wheat Growers
  • North Dakota Wheat Commission
  • Wheat Quality Council

  • American Soybean Assoc.
  • Minnesota Soybean
  • National Biodiesel Board
  • South Dakota Soybean Processors
  • United Soybean Board
  • Wisconsin Soybean Association
  • Iowa Soybean Association

Sugar Beets
  • American Sugarbeet Growers Assoc.
  • Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of Minnesota and North Dakota

  • National Sunflower Association

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