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Astrogeology Research Program

Feature Name Request Form

This form is intended for use by members of the science community who have a specific scientific need to name a planetary surface feature. The form covers the parameters needed for single and multiple name requests, and should be sufficient for routine requests. Unusual requests (those that involve new feature types, features on bodies that have no current nomenclature, etc.) should be directed to Jenny Blue via email (jblue@usgs.gov) rather than through this form.

All fields are required, except the fields under "Specific Name Suggestions" and both starting and ending longitudes and latitudes. An option to submit more than one request will be presented after the first request is submitted.

* Denotes a required field.

Information About You:

Information About The Feature To Be Named:

Feature Coordinates:
  • Please specify North or South and East or West by using the drop down boxes provided.
  • Please only use decimal degree formatting (e.g. 13.32).
Longest dimension in km km
Features are named only when they have special scientific interest, and when the naming of such features is useful to the scientific and cartographic communities at large (see IAU Rules and Conventions). Please submit a few words describing why this feature needs to be named. If the name is needed for a paper or map, please supply the name of the journal or map series.
Use this box if you would like to add information about the feature not covered elsewhere on this form.
Images:* Please attach an image with no annotation, and the same image with the boundary of the feature clearly marked. If the feature is a crater, please place a dot in the center of the crater to identify it. If the image is color, please use RGB, not CMYK. Maximum image size is 5mb. Prefered image format is JPG.
Note: Submission errors clear the image fields.
Image without feature identification:
Image with feature identification:

Specific Name Suggestions

If you suggest a specific name, the source, continent, ethnic group, and origin fields below must be completed.
You may suggest a specific name for the feature, but there is no guarantee that the name will be approved (see How Names are Approved). The proposed name must fit the established theme for the feature type (see Categories for Naming Features).
Source: A paper source (no Internet sites) for each name is required. The source should be one that is easily found in libraries, and preferably one that is already established in the gazetteer (see Sources of Planetary Names).
Continent or large geographic area that is the origin of the name (see Abbreviations).
Country or ethnic group that is the origin of the name (see Abbreviations).
Short description that includes the dates of birth and death if the name is of a person. Note that a person must be deceased for at least three years before their name can be considered (see IAU Rules and Conventions).