The Nelson Institute Blog

Report card on sustainability in higher education

August 29th, 2008

Just released …

Campus Environment 2008: A National Report Card on Sustainability in Higher Education
Trends and New Developments in College and University Leadership, Academics and Operations

  • How well are American colleges doing at greening their campuses?
  • How environmentally literate are today’s college students?
  • What is the biggest obstacle to expanding green activities on campus such as energy conservation, sustainable landscaping, and environmental curricula?
  • Which campuses are recognized for their exemplary commitment to sustainable practices?

Campus Environment 2008 reveals the answers, and the survey results will surprise you.
This comprehensive study by the National Wildlife Federation and Princeton Survey Research Associates International reviews trends and new developments in environmental performance and sustainability at 1,068 institutions. It recognizes colleges and universities for exemplary efforts and awards academic letter grades (A through D) for collective, national performance on environmental literacy, energy, water, transportation, landscaping, waste reduction and more. The report analyzes collective trends in the areas of management, operations, and academics.

With 27 percent (more than one quarter) of U.S. colleges and universities (presidents, administrators, and facilities managers) responding, the 2008 survey is the nation’s largest study to date created to gauge trends and new developments in campus sustainability. It was also the first study of its kind when conducted in 2001.

See the full report — and more.

Science Hall attends APT

August 27th, 2008

APT put on a wonderful performance of Midsummer’s Night Dream last night. In addition to the play itself, I came away with a sense of wonder regarding the power of APT to draw together people I know. For also in attendance was a significant number of the geography faculty, all also Nelson Institute affiliates, and another Nelson Affilate from another department (in the interests of privacy I will let them introduce themselves, and perhaps review the play, should they care to do so).

My daughter *loved* it!

Welcome Summer & Fall 2008 New Graduate Students!

August 22nd, 2008

As the Fall 2008 semester begins, we would like to extend a special welcome to our new Nelson Institute graduate students. To see a list of the new students and their advisors, please go to our New Graduate Students web page.

Cottam and Loucks Fellows Updates

August 21st, 2008

The Cottam and Loucks Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship program has recently updated their Fellows’ Bios page. The past fellows include Amy Duchelle and Margaret (Buck) Holland - Fall 2001, Julia Wilcox and Erik Steffens - Fall 2002, Chad Wilsey - Fall 2003, Ellen Hamingson - Fall 2004, Katherine Songer and Ronald Dolen - Fall 2006, Emily Aker and Ian Chidister - Fall 2007. The new Cottam Fellow is Sarah Rueth who will beginning her MS in Environment and Resources with Paul Zedler this fall. (more…)

Holloway to lead SAGE

August 18th, 2008

On behalf of the Nelson Institute leadership, I am extremely pleased to announce that Tracey Holloway has agreed to become the next director of the Center Sustainability and the Global Environment. Tracey will assume her new role on 25 August 2008.

In the conversations that Steve Ventura, Lisa Naughton and I had in SAGE last week we were all impressed with the vision and shared sense of commitment to SAGE’s excellence.� While Jon’s departure is a loss, Tracey is assuming leadership of a center that is enthusiastic and strong!

The SAGE community is vital part of the larger Nelson Institute community and we are all looking forward to continuing to benefit from the great potential of our existing community and to expanding our communities to include new perspectives and expertise.

Please join me in welcoming Tracey to her new role!

Nelson Institute Fall 2008 Welcome Events

August 12th, 2008

There are three welcome events planned the week before classes begin. All Nelson Institute faculty, staff, students, and friends are invited to all of the events.

For more information, please see our Fall 2008 Welcome Packet. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Lorence (608-262-9206) Hope to see you there!

Public radio profiles New Orleans wetland project

August 6th, 2008

National Public Radio’s All Things Considered program yesterday (August 5) spotlighted the efforts of UW-Madison graduate students who are helping residents of New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward restore a degraded wetland called the Bayou Bienvenue.

For the second year in a row, a team of students has spent much of the summer in the Lower Ninth Ward as part of the Nelson Institute’s annual summer Water Resources Management (WRM) Workshop.

Listen to NPR correspondent Andrea Hsu’s story about the project, and read a Capital Times article about the WRM workshop’s first year in the Lower Ninth Ward.

Congratulations Undergrad Certificate Recipients!

August 5th, 2008

We wish to extend our congratulations to the May 2008 graduates of our Environmental Studies Certificate program: (more…)

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